| T. Muichiro & Yuichiro x Reader | Favoritism (Military AU) [1/3]

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AU: Military Fantasy, very heavily inspired by Saga of Tanya the Evil in both structure and plot.
Details on how the military works in this story will definitely deviate from how it is in the real world because apparently, I'm not good at using google.

Dedicated to ceybae
Aka the only reason why I got through this

• • •

With two major global superpowers at war, both sides were suffering greatly.

One plan succeeded, another failed, and all while new weaponries are developed. The world was moving fast, the nations thinking on their feet as each battle passed.

And during the onset of the war between us and the Muzan Empire, a lethal development occurred.

Weapons, able to be summoned from a space beyond our own granted to certain marked individuals. They provided both armies with a kind of power beyond our previous imagination.

Many of their properties remained a mystery still to the scientists. These equipments were able to transform into a vast variety of wildly different weaponry. Swords to guns to even aerial wings. The wielder also seem to have a certain amount of energy in them that will be drained when summoning or using these weapons. When destroyed they are automatically summoned back to the other space, many months later they are rebuilt; and though weaker than before, with the proper amount of usage they will be restored to their former glory.

Carefully examining what few people who are able to summon these things and the weapons themselves, engineers were able to make a kind of duplicate. These duplicate cannot transform and exhausts the host of the weapon much faster despite not being as powerful as the original. The unknown energy was simply dubbed mana seeing as none could give a reasonable explanation to these things and the people who wielded these weapons were dubbed mages.

And I happen to be one of them.

• • •


Oh please, oh please.


"Your natural mana capacity is 2890," said the assistant, scratching down the number on the paper she was filling out on me.

I looked in front of me and into the room where they withheld the test objects, 70 out of the 100 placed in there I had successfully levitated off the ground and to the desired height.

I gulped.

If I were to convert that into percentage, I would have certainly failed. But from what I've heard, that's not how these tests worked.

"Um, is that a good number or bad?" I asked nervously.

The woman giggled at my nervousness which didn't bring me comfort...

"Well...Let's see..."

She's making this worse!

I had actually prayed for a high capacity to help me rise in the ranks. Specifically, a high enough number to grant me the option to become a mage. And the reason was simple, they were elite soldiers and were often sought after by the higher ups. Not to mention, if you were one, the chances of being someone distinct in the army are higher.

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