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-A Few Days Later-

I am currently in another meeting with the council. It's draining as we keep quarreling about the same issue. If only people could be less selfish, how beautiful the world would be.

I sigh, "Mr Jones, I understand you're concern. I will make sure that we will handle the matter accordingly. But for now, we will not jeopardize Rustenwood's safety over your selfish motives."

My Father's eyes widen as he raises his eyebrows. Mr Jones nods, "Understood you're Highness." Father nods, "Well then. I guess that we're done here."

Once all of them have left the room, Father sits back down. "Maxwell, you cannot lose your temper. You need to compose yourself, always. Other than that, I agree with what you said."

I nod, "Thank you, Father." He nods, "Tomorrow morning, first thing I will see you here as we need to discuss your coronation." I nod, "Yes, Father."

He smiles, "Now go, enjoy yourself with the ladies." I chuckle, "Will do, Father." Before I could walk out he asks, "Have you made your decision of who to send home this week."

I nod, "Yes." He nods, "Very well, you will do so this evening?" I nod, "Yes, Father."

I decide to make my way to the main dining hall where all the girls are. As soon as they see me, conversations die down.

I smile, "Hello ladies, have any of you seen Zara?"

Everyone gasps, and turns around. I see Zara sitting with a proud smirk on her face. I smile, "My lady, would you care to join me for an afternoon stroll along the grounds?"

She smiles, "Why of course, Max." Eyes widen as the use of my name echoes.


I glance at Vee, whose eyes are beginning to water. Claire and Marie immediately engulf her in a hug as I watch Max and Zara leave the dinning hall.

As soon as they've gone many girls burst into hysterical tears while others whisper and chat amongst themselves.

I shake my head before sighing.


I walk into Vee's room to see her packing up her things. I furrow my eyebrows, "Vee, what's going on?" She wipes away her stray tears, "He has obviously chosen Zara. Why do I still need to be here?"

I shake my head, "Sweetheart, Maxwell is a blind man as he cannot see the potential and radiant beauty of Veronica Welsh. Besides, why go home now? It's to early. Plus, you've been the first and only girl friend that I've ver had. Besides my little sister, of course. I'm sure that Marie, Claire, you and I could make some good memories here before we need to depart. Don't you agree?"

Vee sits down for a second taking in all that I've said,"Perhahs you're right." I smile, "I am right." She throws my off guard as she immediately tackles me in a warm hug. I return the hug.

Then suddenly a loud knock appears from the door. She stares at her reflection in horror as she has a blotchy red, tear-stained face. I chuckle, "I'll get it."

As soon as I open the door, I am shocked to see Prince Maxwell before me.

He raises his eyebrows, "Is this your room? I thought it was Veronica's?" I nod, "No, this is her room. I just came over here to visit her." He nods, "Oh, may I come in?"

I lean back and see that Vee is still in the ladies room trying to freshen up. I shake my head, "Uh, no."

He seems surprised. I shut the door so that we could be in the hall. He stares at me, "You're very unique. I've never met anyone like you-"

I cut him off, irratation extremely evident in my voice, "Enough with the flattery! My word, this is so common and expected of you." He furrows his eyebrows, "I don't understand-"

I cut him off, "You-"

I am cut off when Vee open the door. Her eyes widen at the sight of Max. She curtseys. He quickly composes himself before giving her his dimpled smile, "My apologies that I've come to you so late, my lady. I've just been very busy. Perhahs, we could take a stroll and talk?"

Immediately her eyes light up, "Of course, your Highness." He interlinks his arm with hers before they begin to walk away.

I smile and shake my head, "Unbelievable."



After everyone has finished dinner we make our way to the ballroom. I frown as I see all the girls fidget anxiously.

I pull out my list as I begin reading the names of the females leaving this evening.


Girls break into tears as Max reads their name. For some reason I'm waiting expectantly for him to read mine.

But he doesn't.

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