Chapter 33

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Jasmine's POV

I woke up with a start, panting and heaving after the nightmare I just had. I thrashed around the bed to find something, anything to comfort myself, but there was nothing. It dawned on me how dependent I had become on Chris to keep my nightmares away.

I looked at the clock and realised it was only 5 in the morning. I had 2 more hours in my hand but I knew I couldn't go back to sleeping. Instead I decided to rise early and get ready.

I got ready slowly and dressed myself in simple jeans and tshirt. Putting on my converses, I pulled my bag and went downstairs.

The house was quiet and only the sound of my footsteps creaking on the wooden stairs could be heard. I crept downstairs and out of the house, not caring about breakfast. The nightmare I had was enough to wipe out my appetite.

I walked down the empty streets and looked around. It was 6 now and the sound of birds chirping could be heard in the distance. The sun had started rising slowly, casting a warm hue over the town. I walked slowly but steadily down the streets and towards the Starbucks that was open 24 hours.

I went inside and was instantly greeted with the scent of coffee. The place was almost empty for obvious reasons, with one or two tables occupied by few strangers. I walked up to the counter and was greeted with a half sleepy face.

"What can I get you?" The girl behind the counter stifled a yawn as she looked at me through half lidded eyes. I felt bad for her, and smiled a little to ease the atmosphere around.

"A caramel latte with whipped cream. Make it large."

She typed my order and after a few agonising minutes the drink came. She handed it to me and took the money from my hands. I smiled again at her and this time she smiled back a little. I felt good.

I wandered around the cafe, and decided to sit at a corner near the window. I sat down and brought out a book to read.

It was around 15 minutes later that I heard a throat clearing. Thinking it to be addressed to someone else around me, I ignored it. I was way too engrossed in my book. But when the throat clearing sounded for a second time, I looked up.

My eyes clashed with a pair of blue and green ones and widened in recognition.

"You?" I asked dumbly to the person with the beautiful pair of blue-green  eyes I met a few days ago in the cafe.

"Hey. Remember me?" He asked with a slight smirk. He was standing right in front of my table in casual clothing and a coffee in his hands.

"Yeah. I can't forget a pair of eyes as yours so easily." I said and then mentally smacked myself for being too straightforward.

The guy didn't mind though and instead chuckled a bit. "Mind if I join you?"

"No of course not." I said.

He sat in the seat opposite me and smiled at me.

"I didn't quite catch your name prettiness." He said softly.

I blushed a bit at the endearment. I was really not good with compliments.

"Uhh yeah. I'm Jasmine."

"Jasmine." He repeated, as if tasting my name. "Beautiful name."

"Thanks. What's yours?"

He smirked slightly and I felt like I saw something in his eyes before it disappeared. Maybe it was just my imagination?

"I'm Hades."

We sat in the cafe and talked about for a while. I found out he recently moved here and was actually living in the neighbourhood a few blocks away from ours. He was working in a popular news agency and had moved here for the same.

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