Chapter 27

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Jasmine's POV

"No he wasn't."

I intended my voice to be stronger and firmer, but it came out shaky and scared. I took the glass of water in front of me and gulped it down to soothe the lump in my throat.

Bailey was staring at me with sadness and sympathy. I looked away from her. She was lying. She had to be lying.

"You're lying." I said in a shaky voice. "He didn't love me. No, he didn't. You got it all wrong. And didn't you say you yourself thought he's a patient of borderline personality disorder? See? You think. You're not sure."

Bailey sighed. "I've talked to the doctor there Jasmine. I've told them everything about him. And they fear it's a severe case of the disorder. He's on the path of completely losing his mind. If not brought under control on time, he's going to be harmful for everyone."

I blinked back the tears that were threatening to slide down my cheeks. To say that I was scared would be an understatement. I was terrified.

I abruptly got up. I couldn't sit there anymore. I can't accept everything she's saying. I can't even forgive her this soon. She hurt me too much.

"I'm sorry but I've to go. I think it's best if we don't meet again Bailey. I appreciate you coming here and apologising but it's going to take time for me to forgive you. And as for your allegations on Hunter, I'm sure you've got them wrong. No doubt he was twisted in his mind, but there's no way he had any feelings for me, except for pure, unadulterated hatred. So I request you not to bring it up again."

Bailey looked broken at my words. She tried to stop me but i was already out of the cafe.

Once outside, I started running. I ran and ran, with no destination in mind. My mind was filled with a whirlwind of thoughts and I needed to get them off. I kept running until my lungs couldn't take it anymore and collapsed on the sidewalk.

I panted and breathed heavily. Once I got my breathing in control, I looked around. Surprisingly, my subconscious mind brought me here.

I got off the sidewalk and walked towards the entrance. Upon entering, the cool air hit my face, making me realise how hot I was feeling. I walked up to the reception and the receptionist, Layla, looked up.

"Jasmine! How are you?" She smiled at me.

"I'm good, thank you. Is Andrew in?" I asked.

She looked at her computer screen. "He is....but I don't think you had an appointment. Is everything alright?" She asked me in worry.

I gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah yeah, everything's fine. I just need to see him."

"Okay wait, let me check if he's free." She looked through the schedule and told me he was and that I could go.

I walked up to his door and knocked. He opened after a few seconds and his eyes widened at my appearance.

"Jasmine? What are you doing here? Is everything fine? Are you fine?" He panicked.

I smiled at his worry. "I'm fine Andy. I just need to talk to you about something."

He gestured for me to go in and I went and sat at the couch. He sat opposite me and gestured for me to start talking.

"What's borderline personality disorder?" I asked immediately.

Andrew's face paled at the question and he looked like he would faint any moment. I was puzzled by his reaction.

Is it really that bad?

"W-what? Why do y-you want to know?" He stuttered and looked panicky.

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