Authors note

6.3K 101 26

I wrote this book solely out of boredom in my senior year of high school. I came up with the story line based on the movie, "Starstruck."

I would've never thought that it would receive over 200k views as well as being number 1 under Romance at one point. I would always search new novels to read under romance and to see my own creation number one, is insane to me.

Thank you for all the support with this novel. It truly is very exciting to see numbers of people genuinely enjoy it. Yes, I do know that this book is very cliche and predictable. After reading numerous cliche romance novels on Wattpad, it just came naturally to me. Looking back at some of the chapters, I cringe myself.

I do plan on writing two bonus chapters. One including Ace's POV and another about how Mia and Sofia met for the first time. It will take me awhile because I have been away from home for a few months. I have a notebook at home that has some background information on the characters and I totally forgot a lot of information to be able to write some more chapters.

Eventually I do want to try and write another novel. It will not be a sequel to this one, and I want to make it less cliche compared to this one.

I just want to thank you guys once again and if you have any questions feel free to ask me! I would like to take this time to ask everyone, how did you find this novel? What are your overall thoughts?

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