Chapter 29

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"I can't believe you did that." I laughed as I take a sip of my sweet tea.

"It wasn't my finest moments." Matt chuckles as he takes a bite out of his slice of pizza.

"Did you feel bad after you did it?"

"Of course I did! Purposely dumping my meal on the ground and telling the waitress to 'do a better job' isn't really a nice thing to do. Before we left, I went to apologize to her, but she slapped me in the face. My mom wanted to press chargers, but I told her no."

"I really don't know who's mom is worse, my mom or yours."

"Both of your moms suck." Roger bluntly says as he eats some of his pasta.

"I think I can agree on that, we both didn't have the greatest time growing up." I say as I grab another slice of pepperoni pizza.

"So tell me more about your family in Virginia." Matt says.

"They are complete opposites compared to my mom side. In fact, my grandma hates my mother. My parents are divorced, I think they both still love each other but my mom is too stubborn to say it. My grandparents are honestly the best. They are both retired, my Grandparents were both in the Navy, and that's basically how they met. Now they just go to the country club and hang out with some friends. My dad works at his repair shop. Surprisingly enough, my dad used to be a musician. He is basically the reason why I started music in the first place."

"How about acting? How did you get into it?"

"My mom was a model and originally I was going to go to a casting call for a modeling agency. But there was a new tv show coming out, so my mom wanted me to audition for it and I got the part." I say as I take a bite out of my pizza.

"When she moved to California, that was when I was hired by her mother. I think she was around eleven years old or maybe twelve. Ever since I met her, she was like a daughter to me. Well technically, I am like an uncle she never had." Roger casually says.

"I wish my family was like that." Matt sighs as he pushes away his empty plate.

"What are they like?" I ask

"Well my Dad is a business man so he constantly travels a lot. He was always in and out of the house, so my mom was always the one to take care of me. They got a divorce a few months ago because my dad just got tired of dealing with my mother. Well that, and the fact that my mom has been cheating on him for the last ten years with Charles Gomez."

Roger and I almost choked on our food. We both look at each other and say, "THE CHARLES GOMEZ?"

Matt sighed, "The one and only. They met on set on my first major movie. He played my father in that film. I was suspecting that she was cheating on my dad for the past few years but I just never said anything. I think my dad was suspecting it too, and everything just went downhill from there. I mean, my dad is happy now I guess. He moved to England to live close to his side of the family. He met a woman about two weeks ago and he told me that he is very happy now. I just wish he was happy when he was with here with me."

"I'm sorry to hear that Matt." I said as I reached out to touch his hand.

"It's alright, life goes on I guess. Charles isn't a bad guy and besides, my parents had me when they were eighteen. They stayed together because of me but obviously it didn't work out in the end."

"Alright kiddos, where do you guys want to go to next?" Roger says as he signals the waitress that we are done.

"Let's go to Disney Land! I haven't been there in so long." Matt says excitedly.

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