Chapter 1

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"Mia hurry up and get ready, you got a meeting at 10 am with Ryan to discuss your upcoming tour," Mom yells from the kitchen downstairs.

 I groan as I slowly get up from my bed. I walk to my bathroom and stare at my reflection.  A tall brunette stares back at me. Her brown eyes pierce through her black glasses as she begins to brush her teeth and begins to get ready. I walk down stairs and see my mom talking to some person on the phone. It's odd how I look nothing like my parents. 

My mom has blonde hair that reaches to her shoulders and blue/grey eyes. She is about the same height as me however, she is a very bossy and demanding personality. Her personality was also the reason why my parents are no longer together. My dad is the opposite of my mom. He is six-foot with brown hair and green eyes. Unlike my mom, he has a very kind and caring personality. They divorced when I was only thirteen years old because they always argued about what was best for me. At the age of ten, I got the lead role in a child TV show. After that role everything went up from there. From modeling to acting and now singing, it became my life. My dad wanted me to move back and continue these jobs when I was older however, my mom wanted me to keep going.

 Eventually my mom and I moved to California permanently where I was home schooled so I can pursue my acting career. It wasn't until I was sixteen where labels found out that I could sing, from then on I mainly focused on singing. Music was my escape from reality, it was my home away from home. It brought back all the good memories from when I was a kid, from my parents being a happy couple to the friends I had back in Virginia. I never stayed in touch with my friends because my mom never let me. She said that they would "influence you to move back," that silly statement was also the reason why I only talk to my dad every month, or if I'm lucky, every two weeks. He would always fill me in on how my grandparents are doing and how his repair shop is doing. I always send them money as a thank you for all the support they give me. Without them I wouldn't be living my dreams. My dad hates it when I send him money because he believes that it is my hard earned money and I deserve to keep it, but I end up making him keep it so he just doesn't bother to argue with me. My mom has no idea that I send my grandparents and my dad money because she thinks I'm spending it on clothes or makeup.


I roll my eyes as I grab a box of Egos Waffles and place them in the toaster. 

"WELL I DON'T CARE IF ELLEN HAS A TIGHT SCHEDULE, SO DOES MY DAUGHTER. SHE CAN HAVE THE INTERVIEW THE WEEK AFTER TO PROMOTE THE TOUR BUT I JUST CANT- HELLO AMANDA.." She says as she stares at her phone. "The nerve of these people, can't they understand that a seventeen year old is busy" my mom sighs while rubbing her forehead.

 "Good morning to you too mom" I say while taking the waffles out of the toaster. 

"Hunny, you should be eating an apple, you gotta stay slim for your fitting later. Now hurry up Roger is here with the car and we can not be late for this meeting." She says while looking at her self through her iPhone. 

"Seriously mother, do you want me to starve." I say while scarfing down my waffles, not caring if it's too hot. 

"Mia, mother knows best, and you need to watch your figure young lady. Now let's go." She says sternly as she walks out the door.

 "God I need a vacation away from her." I sigh while grabbing my phone and walking out the door. 

A black Mercedes Benz is parked outside the driveway, my mom is already getting in the car and I follow her. 

"Hey Roger." I say while closing the door. 

"Hey Mia." Roger says as he begins to drive to meet up with the director of my upcoming tour. 

Roger has been our driver for five years and He has become one of my closest friends. Although he is in his late forties, he is always there when I need someone to talk to. Besides my best friend Sofia of course, AKA the only real person in Los Angelos. I met Sofia on set when I was Thirteen and immediately we hit it off. Now we are inseparable and I honestly love it. At times she can be very sassy and a little snobby but I love her no matter what.

I begin to scroll through my Instagram and begin to like and reply to some of my fans comments. "That reminds me Mia, you need to post a picture with Ryan after the meeting. Just to anticipate the tour." My Mom says while she types really fast on her phone. Like seriously, her thumbs are about to fall off any minute now. 

"Whatever you say mother.." I sigh while looking out the window.

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