Mewnipendance day

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(No pictures this chapter, please see end of chapter for full explanation)

"Ahem...quiet everyone...quiet!...quiet...I'm assuming you all brought your swords" comet says as he looks over the assembly of people "uhh what?" Marco says as before comet drops the sword he was keeping help up "it said on the invitation your supposed to bring a sword" comet says a bit annoyed before Alfonzo holds up his invite and says "I was a little confused by your invitation" he says but skullnick snatched the invitation "I'm not confused! This is clearly a drawing of meat...I came for the meat" she says as she points to the little drawing of meat on the invitation.

Marco then stands as he looks away from skullnick "I think everyone's just wondering why their here" Marco says as he looks to comet "uhh it's the 37th of gravnok!....mewnipendance day!" Comet says annoyed as if it's the simplest concept in the world. No one correlates to what comet says and he sighs, comet hops off the couch and walks off, only to come back with a book in his hand. Comet then opened the book which turned out to be a pop up book and says "mewnipendance day" comet starts "a long time ago arrived the first settlers of mewni, a modest people with noble pursuits, life, liberty and corn. But the wicked monsters rose up and attacked the innocent mewmans to re-steal mewni for themselves!" Comet says before turning the page "so the queen used her magic to turn the simple peasants into a fearsome army!" Comet says before flipping the pages a bunch "then there was fighting...and more fighting...until the mewmans won!" Comet says as he reached the last page, the pop up castle of dragonfly castle was tall "wait, you just blew past all the important stuff" Marco says confused but skullnick speaks up "when do we eat?" She says and comet smiles "we feast after we reenact 'the great monster massacre!!'" Comet says with a bit of intensity "now please spilt into two teams, monsters and mewmans" comet says "can I be a huma-" skullnick tries but comet cuts her off "you are a monster, that's why you were invited" comet says annoyed before she grumbles and walks off over to the monster side.

Everyone else goes to pick to pick their sides as does Marco but comet grabs his hoodie before he gets too far "you get to be my general" comet says smiling as Marco sighs "thanks...." Marco says before he looks around the room "comet, where's (y/n)? She's not here?" Marco asks but comet didn't hear him as he began speaking out to everyone else "looking pretty good, now we can begin making costumes and after that, the bloody battle can commence!!" Comet says with scary excitement, Marco then raises his hand a little "yes Marco?" Comet says then Marco points to the huge floating eyeball next to comet "what's that?" Marco says and comet smiles "oh that's just the all seeing eye, it follows you around all day" comet explains as Marco stares at it "its staring at me..." Marco says but comet brushes it off "don't worry! It's just to let the monsters know the royal family is always's not actually watching you though! That would be weird" comet says as he pokes the glass eyeball..

.."this is amazing! He thinks it's the all seeing eye but it's not!" Ludo cheers as he watches comet through the screen "it is" toffee says from his comfy chair "it's the most efficient way to spy on your enemies..." Ludo laughs as he presses his face to the screen "look! I can see his pores!! What secrets lie beneath..." Ludo says before the frog monster comes walking in "Ludo! Master!" He states before doing a weird kiss salute "yeah yeah!" Ludo says as Ashe also do the kiss salute "Mwah! Mwah! Bleh!  But look at this, now we can watch comet wherever he goes, in the kitchen, bedroom and even in the bathroom!" Ludo says but toffee and the frog monster had at lest some morals and muttered their disproval "maybe I don't keep the bathroom channel..." Ludo says as the frog monster moves next door to him "but Ludo! This only has one eye! My face has two! This is twice the number of the eyes" the monster says.

Ludo only smiles and looks back to the monster "now that you don't have any spy stuff to do you should get us some popcorn and milkshakes, I'm pretty sure we're gonna binge watch this all night! You can join us if you want as long as you keep quiet and sit in the back" Ludo says as he turns back to the screen, the monster glares over at toffee as Ludo finishes and backs away from both Ludo and toffee, the monster leaving the room. Toffee glances over at the monsters previous position for only a millisecond before Ludo laughs again "he doesn't even know we're watching him!" Ludo as before toffee lays the book in his hand on his lap "sometimes your biggest threat is right under your nose..." toffee says before Ludo says "my nose is in my beak!" Toffee just sighs as he turns back to his book "mhm.."
Everyone on the monster side was dressed up as a monster comet had beaten before, currently comet was trying to stuff a pillow into the frog monster costume Ferguson was in "there! This will keep your entrails from becoming your outrails!" Comet says as he pokes the pillow with his sword but the sword Suddenly rips through the pillow a bit and comet freezes "my pillow..." Ferguson says as comet laughs nervously. Two large thumps of footsteps cause comet to look behind him and turn to hear Marcos voice emanating from the over zealously my he was in "hey comet...I've been looking through your-..ugh, hold on" Marco says as he slides his arms under the helmet of the armour and metal the eye plates up; revealing his concerned face "I've been looking through your book and uh...something seems off" Marco says motioning to the clearly overpowered mewman side and the poor weaponry of the monster side "waddya mean? Lemme see" comet says as he jumps up to reach the book in the hand of Marcos armour, Marco then pushes the hand of the armour a bit until the armour cracks and limply flips down, the book falling out of the hand and flat onto the floor. Comet picks up the book, opening it to look at what Marco meant, he flips a pop up to show mewman warriors all looking very big mighty "hmm.." comet hums looking the sides over once more, seeing the monsters on the page were looking very small and kinda weak "" comet says closing the book "your right Marco...I can't believe I didn't notice that before" comet says before pulling out his wand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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