Cheer up (y/n)!

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Comet raised his wand and blasts the on coming monster away from you, running up to the wolf statue and quickly jumping onto it as Marco grabbed your hand and pulled you behind the statue as well. Marco ducts under the statue as your hands grip the only thing you had. Your trusty thick branch.

"black berry destruction!!" Comet yells aiming his wand towards the beast, blasting it but it only growls and retaliates, slicing to brick statue in half

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"black berry destruction!!" Comet yells aiming his wand towards the beast, blasting it but it only growls and retaliates, slicing to brick statue in half. Comet quick jumped away from it landing on his feet as you stick your foot out, tripping the running beast as Marco finishes him off with a roundhouse kick, sending the monster flying. Comet blasts another monster as Marco grabs your hand and leads you to the shed a couple of steps behind you, he swings open the door and yells "comet!" Comet quickly heads and joins the three of you in the shed as Marco slams the door shut.

You hear the muffled shout of ludos voice and the yells of other monsters as large sounding foot steps shake the very walls of the shed, Marco quickly locks the shed door as comet illuminates the pitch black space with his wand. Marco runs his hands through his hair as he looks toward a stack of paint buckets in a corner "how could I be so stupid!" He says running over to the cans and pushing them up against the shed door. Marco then looks up at a shelf and starts looking for something "Marco!" You say taking a deep breath "what's...what's going on!" You says as comet starts laughing nervously "this is maybe...all our fault" comet says as you looked towards him "what?!" Marco starts gathering stuff as you and comet watch him "what did you guys do?!" You say as Marco hands comet a skull "hold this, we're going to need some armor" Marco says as you look to comet. But he only points to where the blow torch is for Marco "hey! Can you guys tell me what's going on and stop avoiding the question!" You says pulling the protective mask off Marco as he sighs "look you remember when I was having that really bad day?" He says as you think back, that morning Marco had missed the bus, cane to school looking like trash and broke Jackie's skateboard "yeah..I'm sorry you had a bad day Marco but..what does that have to do with right now?" You ask as comet holds down the skull and Marco starts the saw the skull in half "it's all connected-" comet starts but before he can finish a monster arm bursting through the wall scaring you, comet and Marco. Marco quickly pulls the skull down into an upward position, tricking the monster to grab it and break the skull off.

Marco smiles as you look at the gaping hole as Marco yells out "thank you!" Through the hole Before putting up a painting over the hole "well remember, I was so bummed out but you and comet did everything you could to try and cheer me up" he says as comet smiles. Though you had to admit that most of those jokes where comets ideas.

"But then..." comet says as you look to him "you met Oscar" comet says as he see you visibly blush over the mention as he and Marco cringe "sheesh, I think I can still hear that awful music" Marco says as you giggle remembering that beautiful symphony. You remember the principle telling you to stay away from him because he had a 'record' but that just made you swoon, such a bad boy with eyes of the most beautiful emeralds. You started to fantasize about him before you heard comets voice "(y/n)!" He says as he waves his hand in your face "that's unsettling!" He says as Marco nods, throwing red paint onto a wall "yeah...that was, so please keep your fantasies out of the flash backs.." he says as you wipe the drool from your face.

"Oh yeah..I gave him my number..heh! I remember I couldn't wait to get an actual phone call from him!" You say dreamily. You then remember taking Marcos phone and waiting for a call, comet was tried to get you do something with him but you said no a million times before he left you alone, then Marcos grandma called and you sat on the phone with her for an hour and half to try and explain that you weren't Marcos girlfriend, you tried not to be rude unlike your brother and just hang up on her like what your brother does whenever he didn't want to talk.

You then waited till night but..he never called which made you frown "maybe I'm not cool enough for a guy with a record" You says as Marco rips teeth apart with his teeth "what? are you kidding!" Marco says as he looks at you with a smile "your the coolest girl I know!" Marco says as comet joins in "(y/n)! Your so tough! Your not afraid of anything! You've beat up monsters before, your way cooler than any guy with a record!" Comets says as you chuckle "maybe your right" You say as you put your hands on your hips.

But just as you do the entire shed shakes and everything falls "anyways!" Marco says after inflating your ego "you were so said so comet and I had to cheer you up" you remember all the stupid stuff that comet and Marco which of course didn't work "you were just so sad...until comet suggested something..." Marco says as comet laughs nervously "well...ever since forever we always had fun battling monsters so...I thought nothing would make you happier than us kicking monster butt!" Comet says as you sighs "so Marco and I lured the monsters here with my wand.." you face palmed "so you guys...brought monsters here to cheer me up?" You says as Marco laughs nervously "yeah..i just didn't expect this many of them.." Marco says as he puts a bucket on top of your head "but don't worry!" He says as comet readies his wand "this is gonna be-" but just as comet opened his mouth the door of the shed was ripped off, a large hand then reached in and snatched up Marco leaving both you and comet to yell out after him.

Comet grabs your hand and blasts you both out of the shed, you both get launched into the air but land on your feet to see Marco freaking out in the monsters grip.

After a brief weird introduction on some new monsters a fight breaks out, you Marco and comet kick some serious monster butt but just as you start to forget about that call you never got you hear Marcos space unicorn ring tone emit from your pocket which sends you over the moon, you quickly pull the phone out of your pocket as the battle stops. You answer the phone once you realize it's Oscar "Ah! HELLO!" You scream into the phone as you hear Oscar voice from the phone "hey I'm calling this phone-" he starts bit you quickly interrupted "OH MY STARS! Ahem! Heh! Thanks for calling!! You says trying to contain your self, you dodge two monster before continuing on with your conversation before a very rude monster decides to scream into your ear, immediately stopping your conversation. You look towards the monster slowly, appalled before excusing your self from the call for a moment before turn to the monster with your teeth bared "HEY!" You grab the collar of the monster who yelled loudly and shook him by the collar "I AM ON THE PHONE!!!" You practically yell with malicious before your cheek marks light up "YOU. MONSTERS..." you say as your eyes light up as well "ARE SO R U D E!!!" You screech as you raise your arms, your form lifting high off the ground before a large wave of magic bursting from your hand, causing all the monsters to scream and run as comet grabs Marco and ducts to hide. As soon as the blast was over you fell to the floor but quickly bounced back up to raise the phone to your ear "HELLO?!" You say loudly as a lazy "Heyy" was all you need to blush as you giggle "well...thanks for waiting!" You says as a awkward silence ensues before you quickly bid him goodbye and a compliment to his voice. The call ends as you squeal excitedly before you turn to see both comet and Marco looking around before looking at you, they both rush over as you smile widely "whoa! (Y/n)! What the heck was that!?" Comet said as you giggled "dunno but I got that call from Oscar!!" You say as Marco smiles slightly "heh! By the way, that was really sweet of you do know how to cheer me up!" You say as comet smiles "brothers duty!" He says as you opens your arms wide "hugs!" You says as you pull in both comet and Marco for a group hug. The three of you laughing off this whole ordeal....

"And that's a Dragonfly promise!" (Comet dragonfly x sister! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now