35:Game Over

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"What Do you Mean Dead... " I said in disbelief this has got to be some twisted joke Ava is playing with me.
"I don't really have time to explain, you have to see it For Yourself....if you can't believe me come see it for Yourself... " She said over the phone, I slammed the phone down hanging up.
I pick it up and try Gold's number again hoping she'll pick up but the same voice keeps saying this number isn't recoverable at the moment like she's Dead or Something, I need to Go see what Ava is Talking about maybe Gold might come around.
"Arrgh.... " I slapped the files away from my table as sweat dripped slowly down my face I took of my unbuttoned shirt letting out a loud groan.
My Telephone Cried I heard a mumbling nervous voice.
"Sir... " it Finally spoke
"Is The Deed Done... " I said
"He was injected with the Syrup before the surgery.. "
"I don't care is it Done.. " I said
"As you wish sir it was... "
A sly grin worked it's way to my Face, I slumped back on my chair the head of the Telephone clamped inbetween my shoulder and head.
"Was The DNA planted before the Operation..." I asked.
"Yes we Worked with the DNA you Sent to Us, the plan is in place sir.. The Government are on their way... "
"Good you did well I won't have to Kill your Daughter.. When The Government finally comes show them the DNA sample and the fake Tape and I might as well spare your Daughter life.. " I could hear her Cry as she sucked it in.
"Are you Crying??" I asked Disgusted on how weak the Nurse is.
"No Sir it's Just you are Needed before the Authorities get here or else the plan will fail.. To show you actually attempted to perform the operation.. " She said In a Sob.
"I'll be there in less than an Hour if they arrive before me stall or else?? "
"You will have my Daughter life.. "
"You are smart after all see you in less than an hour.. " I hanged up the call slamming down the telephone, I got up a victorious grin still planted on my Face the princess may not be Dead but when Gold eventually comes back she's in For a Surprise.
I Thought Flashed through my head I picked up the Phone one last time dailing one last number before my leave.
"Hello.. " it says.
"Are the Papers ready?? " I asked
"They are Ready and copied... "
"Meet me at the Airport... " I said hanging up once again I picked up my Shirt exiting my office.
***GOLD'S POV***
My eyes slowly opened, the Airbag strangled me, I struggle to free before I die in the hands of an Air Bag, I sucked in my Gut my head hurts getting serious Migraines, I tried to recall how the Hell I got Here but the Migraines got worse.
I turned to see Stella who was unconscious her Airbag cut the oxygen off from her like she wasn't Breathing I beat down the Airbag waking up Khloe. She let out a loud cough waking up Penny who was laid unconscious.
"Stella... " I Yelped she wouldn't wake up it was hard to tell if she was Breathing or even alive.
"What Happened?? " Khloe asked I'm just as Confused as she is the Windshield was Cracked and at the verge of being shattered the Hood was Smoking, the Side mirror were broken and our windows were shattered bruising small cuts on my arm.
"How Did we get Here??" Penny asked confused it's like we just lost part of what happened and why we are here.
"The Last thing I remember was being Chased to our Deaths.. " Khloe tried to recall as Penny Nods.
"Yeah we Got away after popping their tyres and escaping, I remember but how Did we get in this Situation.. " Penny asked from the Back.
A Memory Flashed to my brain, I gasped recollecting all what Happened.
"We almost Hit Something I averted running of the Layne and probably we Crashed into this tree.. " I said finally recognizing the Figure in front of me.
"is Stella OK?? " Penny asked shocked as I am.
"I don't know help me get her out.. " I said as they all nodded I carefully clicked on the door handle getting out of the car before any glass Shards marks My Skin.
Penny and Khloe got Down. Penny was Covered in Bruises and some Blood, her Blonde hair was messy Combed with Leaves and Barks, Khloe on the Other Hand was Limping on one foot like she twisted her Ankle she tore some parts of her plaid shirt knotting her bloody Ankle after getting rid of a Glass Shard that Dissected down her Ankle.
"Khloe are you OK.. " Penny asked wanting to tend to Her but Khloe brushed it off declining her offer.
"it's Okay let's just get Stella out of her Seat.. " Khloe insisted shooting me a calm look as we made our way to Stella.
Khloe Pushed down the Air bag as me and Penny carefully carried her out of the Taxi, Khloe let go of the Airbag as she clasped her palms on her lips holding back her tears.
Stella got the most hit her Skin was Peirced with Glass Shards, her Body was Cemented with her own Blood she laid Lifeless and on the looks of it she lost a lot of Blood and probably dead too.
"This can't be..." I cried i faced palmed myself falling to my knees Stella is Dead my eyes well up why wasn't it me why her.
"Gold it wasn't your Fault don't be Hard on your self.. " Penny patted trying to make me Feel better but her words weren't soothing enough.
"She's Dead and it's all my fault I shouldn't have driven the Car I was Foolish to think I could do it and now it's all my fault I should be the one in her state not her I should be the one dead everyone I love and care about just die, I should be the one Dead..... " my eyes Darted to the Gun at the Back seat I Raced as I quickly grabbed it.
"Gold what are you Doing?? " Penny asked
"What I should have done a long time ago.. " I said saluting the Gun directly at my Head my eyes shut as I Slowly drive down the Riffle.
"Gold wait you Don't have to Do this.. " Khloe cried limping towards me.
"Stay Back I don't want to Hurt you or anyone it's best if I'm Gone from your lives I keep hurting everyone around me.. " I persisted holding to the end of the Gun.
"Listen to me, I never liked you for one reason, I didn't want to because I was Jealous Embrya always praise you no matter what she hears about you, You are Strong, Remember you Cuss Aiden Knight in the Cafe something many wouldn't do unless they wanted to Die, you Wanted to Rescue all those innocent lives at the Gala from the Fire, You had the Guts to go to a Cemetery and kiss Aiden Knight, you perform a Brain Flash Successfully... " she said as I slowly refrain from pointing the Gun Directly at my Head.
"How Did you know some of those I told Embry...."
"Embrya wrote Everything Down in her Book and I read it all that's why I never liked you but something I actually experienced was you risking your life for me back there... You are a Hero Gold You are my Hero.. " she said as she made her way me stripping me of my only suicide weapon.
"But you heard that strange voice he's after me I'm the reason we got followed I killed Stella I can never forgive myself..." I said In tears.
"You Will because you aren't the reason we got Followed." she said as I shot her a confused look.
"Excuse me.. " I asked as she brought out a phone I dropped the Gun and jumped back in Shock.
"How?? " I asked
"This is Embrya's phone.. " she said I broke into a sob as I face palm myself I never collected her phone.
"How Could you..." I cried taking hold of her Collar almost strangling her but Penny came to her rescue.
"I'm Sorry.... It's the only thing I could bring that Embrya handed to me.. " she said
"Oh so it was more important that thing is the reason why we got tracked down and now Stella is Dead.. " I Growled
"I said I'm Sorry.. "
"Sorry won't Raise Stella back from the Dead.." I Screamed.
Khloe fell to her knees as tiny drops Streamed down her cheeks.
"I know so will screaming.. " She's right I turned walking slowly away from them.
"Gold Where are you going?? " Penny asked
"Leave her let her Go.. " Khloe said as I stopped not sparing her a look.
"Game Over... " I again increased my steps
"She's Breathing... " Khloe said I stopped and went to take a look for myself and She was right.
"She's really Breathing how's this possible..." I asked in Shock.
"Forget that now we need to Get a Doctor.. " Penny insisted as I looked around we are in the woods I couldn't see any light.
"What's the Time..." I asked as Khloe check the phone.
"it's 03:00am..." she said making me more discouraged than ever.
"The Car is Busted and we are lost in the middle of the Woods.. " I pointed out as Penny swiped Khloe's Device.
"We can call 911..and they can track our Location... "
"Like 911 will be willing to come into the middle of the woods to rescue a bunch of Girls they'll either think it's a prank or some dead pioneer girls... " Khloe said.
"Yeah and if that voice could track us, it could still have our location if we just make a Single call it will get to us before 911..and besides Stella won't live to see them here she's lost a lot of Blood.. " I said.
"You Two got any better ideas..." Penny said still holding the phone arching her brows she's right we have to call Emergency or else Stella will Die.
"No... " I said in Defeat as she Dialed 911, Khloe Slapped the phone from her grasp as she Smashed it killing our only hope to save Stella.
"First you got us tracked and now you destroy the phone Do you want Stella Dead.." I said as she brought out a Pendant that looked like a distress button.
"This is the Only Connection I have to reach the Palace Embrya gave it to me and said I should use it for emergency incase she dies, The Remaining Resistance would come to my aid..."
"What Resistance?? "
"The Resistance a group of allies who swore to secrecy to keep me safe after my parents died...they are our only hope.. " Khloe said as she opened a Tiny hatch revealing a tiny button
"if I press this I don't really know what happened but all I know it's that I'll be taken back to England we can help Stella, they can track us Down... "
"But how Do you know your Uncle Didn't kill them all they all think you are Dead remember and how Do you know your brother didn't shut them down after claiming the throne you can't expect It to work can you?? " I asked.
"Do we have any other Choice, it's Stella life on the line Do you want to risk that.. " Khloe said as I looked down on Stella who was breathing faintly and back at Penny then Khloe.
"Penny Check if there's a First Aid Box.. " Penny nod her head and excuse herself from us.
"Push it.. " She nods as she pushed the bottom on her pendant.
"She Won't wake up she took an overdose we can only pray for a Miracle.. " the Doctor said I face palmed myself Joan is the only key to this Mystery and I'm more nervous finding out she's pregnant twins.
"Your Highness She's Alive .." I looked at the Door to see Damon leaning against the Frames as he held a tablet.
"I know she's alive Damon she's unconscious.. " I said
He opened the Tablet as a Red Dot Glowed.
"No Sir, Not the Lady, Princess Khloeretta is Alive... " my mouth Dropped.
"Where is She?? " I asked getting up.
"She's Somewhere in the Woods in the US That's all we could Do sir, waiting for your Orders... " he saluted.
"We don't know if it's a Fraud Go with the Troops I'll stay here hopefully Joan would wake up.. " I said as he nods and exit my premises.
"Please Wake up... "
I hate being in here it has my brothers Stink all over it's more revolting that Ava Stink is here too but I'm here to Confirm what she actually said.
"Aiden you are Here Take a look..." She said handing me some Documents.
"What am I looking at Exactly?? " I asked as she brought out a Cigarette and lits it and starts puffing the smoke at my face.
"Wanna Taste?? " she offered flirtatiously
"I'm good I'm trying to keep away from Cancer.. " I said
"You've been smoking since High school Cut some Slack your Hole isn't here.. "
"She has a name.. " I growled
"I Prefer calling her a Hoe... " She shot me a Smirk and winked at me as I looked down on the Files.
"These are Files for a Plastic Surgery... "
"Yes they are but read it to the end you are going to find this interesting.. " She continued smoking.
"I Richard Knight Swear to Secrecy to a Secret plastic Surgery and Is Fully responsible If The other party Fails and if by any chance it's unsuccessful will my Property to the Other Party... "my eyes widen in Shock as I couldn't believe what happened Richard just signed his Death Note.
"When Did this Happen?? " I asked
"I don't know check the Date maybe a Month ago.. "
"Richard is Dead, Somehow They Tricked him into signing this and now who ever Richard turned to Has Richard Property ...."
I sat Down in my private Jet as my Lawyer sat Down next to me and submitted the files I asked.
"Thank you.. You did well you will receive your money soon.. But one more thing... " I said.
"Yes Sir... "
"I don't care how you Do it when we land at Australia I Want you burn Richard's Body along with his possession he must pass through the Same process he killed my family...he'll die with all his possession..."
"Yes Sir.. '
"Two Knights Down you're Left Aiden.. "

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