20: I would love to give you a Hickey

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****GOLD'S POV****
I Woke up in my Room rubbing the Crumbs off my eyes yawning so loud I could swallow my whole room.
I looked down at my Feet my Roller skates we're off and my clothes of yesterday weren't on me, I was wearing Shorts with one Oversized buttoned up shirt I don't recognize as I sniffed in a Familiar addictive smell that I somehow found Familiar.
Wait someone changed my clothes oh my God Don't tell me I did it with Aiden or He took advantage of me.
I kicked down my Door and head to Aidens room as I knocked like I've lost it.
"Who is it??? " I heard Aiden From inside.
"It's Gold, i want to see you now... " I yelled making sure he heard it from across his room.
I heard his Footsteps Paced to the Door as he opened it revealing Aiden, he Shot me a Devious Smirk revealing his Perfect outline of his Jawline.
His Hair was Messy than before, his Front hair formed scattered Bangs, his hands went up his Hair as he pushed it Back like he keeps doing like it was some Addictive Habit.
His Blue Eyes We're Crystal clear than Yesterday as they Darted mine piercing my Skin, I feel goosebumps.
His Lips were paler than usual as a metal Ring was pinned a the End of His Lips, A chill went Down my spine when his Tongue Sync down to the end of his lip keeping me Distracted.
He Was Wearing A Black Tank Top with Sweat pants as I coughed trying to focus what the Hell brought me here exactly.
Too late I Drooled as he leaned against the Frames of his Door Glaring at me from head to Toe.
"Wow you're up... " He said Glaring at me one last time.
"You... What did you do to me???... " I asked as my cheeks flushed red as Aiden Shot me A Devious smirk.
"I Didn't do Anything to you Bye... " He said about to Slam the Door against me but I stopped him as the Door creak almost shut .
"You.... I didn't wear this yesterday and this Shirt Doesn't belong to me... " His Smirk Mischievously cocked to a smile as he grinned wider pushing back his Hair.
"I May Have Changed your Clothes and see some things I wasn't supposed to see but I assure you I didn't Touch you besides be happy I gave you my Shirt.... " He Purred at the Last Word in an attempt to get me shaking and quivering as I tried to build enough Courage to look him in the eye.
"You Bastard how could you change me out of my Clothes... " My eyes Went Shut as I Yelled the Fuck at him and threw my Hands in The Hair as he grabbed hold of them and Pulled me against his Torso trapping me as his Hands went Down my Waistline.
I gulped down I've foolishly walked down into My own trap I set myself as my Eyes Darted Down to His Torso avoiding an form of eye contact his Finger Traced my Chin as he Slowly tilts it up as our eyes Locked in intense Stare.
He warm Breath Splashed against my Face as His Tongue Danced to the End where his Ring Nests as he pushes me against the other Frames, his Finger brushes my face as his Index Finger traces Down from the side of my face down to my neck to my as he reached the End of The Shirt.
"My Shirt looks good on you... " He said trying to stretch down the Collar of the Shirt but he couldn't go Further since Hooke's law of elasticity didn't favor him he smiled as his eyes Darted to my Lips, I Froze like I was Under Some Dark Spell, poof he Sprinkled Dark Dust and now I'm under his Will.
"Too Bad..... " He pauses as his Fingers slides down to the Middle of my Shirt if his Finger was as sharp as a knife he slice the Button down into two.
He leans Forward as my Heart Beat so Fast it was going to Jump out of my Chest.
He Breathe Hard against me like he was holding himself back as he slowly pressed his Body against me as his face Collided across my ear as he Breathe against my ear.
"I Would love to give you a Hickey.... " It's official he's Lost it I Gasps so hard I nearly choked on my spit as I try to Protest and get him off me but his barricade against me made me weak and Feeble as I felt his Lips brush my ear Lobe.
"Don't worry it's only two Buttons, I promise I won't hurt you... " He Whispered chanting a Dark spell that shut off my Brain and any Thinking Capacity as I Whimper Silently as His Lips Mounts and Softly presses against my Skin, Another cold Chill ran down my spine as His Metal Ring Tingles through my Skin.
His Tongue pushes past his Lip it Brushes my Skin Softly and Sucking Gently the Thins of my skin as I Felt his Teeth gently Devouring my skin as I let out a Silent Moan his Hands on my Shit Fixed to a Button as his Tongue Brushes down my Neck chewing Delicately and Devouring slowly as he Savor every moment, his Tongue traced down my Collar as he sucked down to the Ends of my Shirt.
His Fingers Plucked out a Button as Air Escape into my chest replace with a warm feeling as the as his Body Collide against mine.
He Goes down repeating the same steps as my mind was Temporarily Shut down as he plucks out another button breathing hard against my Collar bone as Brushes down to my Hem, My Body was there but my Mind was Wondering as I Softly Pant waiting for this Sensation to End as Cold Air Splashes against my Chest, Aiden Lastly brushes my Collarbone Biting Softly and kisses it Slowly to and Fro, combing my hair with his Fingers as his Skin Mounts my Skin one last time as I breath Softly with two Buttons Loose.
"You Know Another Button won't Hurt... " He teased as Breathes against me, I wasn't in my right mind to compute every single thing was nothing much but a Trance as Aiden Dangled with the Third Button ready to cut it Loose and Do What ever he Wishes, my Back was against the Wall I try to slowly respond but when my Mouth opened nothing came out as my Mouth Glued Shut he still Held to my Button as he Let's go of it.
"A Hickey is enough for Today... " He said as he let's go of the Shirt and pulls back the weight he had on me.
"But Now You've Got My Marks it means one thing Gold... " He said as he made his way to the Door at the Edge as he stood there Giving me one last Stare.
"Meaning... " Finally words founds it's way to my mouth as Aiden Cocked on a Wide Grin.
"I own You Kitty... " He said as I gasped which amuses Him the more.
The Door Bell Rings Disrupting us both as I went to get The Door.
I opened it to See Look as my Arms Hovered over my Chest as my cheeks Flushed Red, it was Lukas He was Wearing a Buttoned up Shirt which was neatly Tucked in his Black Skinny Jeans outlining his Long slender Legs as He Pushes His Hair Back Simultaneously like Aiden as I Gawked at him.
"Lukas, What are you Doing Here... " I asked as I Swiftly Buttoned up my Shirt trying to Hide The Hickey Aiden Marked on me.
"I was Driving across Town and Decided to come see You May I come in... " He asked as I tried to think of the nicest way to kick him out.
"Ummh...... "
"No you can't come in She's Busy.... " Aiden Growled by my side as I Silently thanked him For Showing up.
"Oh Aiden, how clumsy of me, Are you Guys Alone... " Lukas Eyes Darted to my Bandage as he took me my the Hand as He Glared at it.
"What Happened to your Hand?? " He growled as he Glared at Aiden as My Weak attempt to Hide The Hickey failed Lukas Traced his eyes Down towards my Neck as He Growled the More on seeing the Hickey, But Deep down I could feel Aiden Rejoice in His Victory as Lukas finally identify my Hickey.
"Well Good bye, see you at Work Tomorrow.. " He gritted in between his Teeth as Aiden Slammed the Door against him.
"Finally, he can stay away from you... " Aiden sighed as he Smirked in Sweet victory.
"How am I going to Work Tomorrow... " I asked.
"You can just go Like that... " He say as he rolled his eyes.
"I can't go to Work with a new Batch of Hickey, what will I say when they asked me what happened... " I asked.
"Just tell them Your Boyfriend gave it to You...... " Aiden Grinned Letting out a Victory Laugh as I hissed and head to my Room, he does nothing but drives me crazy.
****LUKAS POV****
I swiftly Drove Directly to my House as I kicked down the Door open as I tried to clear my Mind but I couldn't get my mind of the Fact that He Marked Her First.
My Mind was Foggy she is Mine and no one else no one gets to Mark Her But me.
He may have Marked her But he would never lay a Hand on Her When I'm alive, I'll Make Sure He never Touches Her and when she's Far away from his Reach again, I'll Strike.
Just wait Aiden Knight, Your Brother just signed his Deed to his early grave soon you will Join your Brother and Gold will be mine.
*****JOAN'S POV*****
I was at the Casino, at Aiden's Office Going through Jayden's Laptop as Jayden made His Way towards me with two shots of Vodka.
"Seriously you are Still up I wonder What Gold and Aiden are Doing right now??? " He asked as I rolled my eyes.
"How is it possible that everything about Lukas is True, I've dug through his High school photos and some of them were taken with Gold and his perfect record and everything Gold said about him is True but something is Telling me that Something is Wrong behind that Success.... " I said.
"What Do You mean??? " Jayden asked Dropping the the Shots of Vodka as he made his way Behind me.
"Look He even has Five Different hospital all over the World and proof that he's had no unsuccessful surgery but it's Weird he Left Gold and out of nowhere he Shows up when she lost her Memory, Don't you find it Suspicious everything pins to Him.... " I said
"But Remember Gold passed out and she was Brain Flashed and And there is no way the Nurse Could be with Lukas he was overseas it could just be a Huge Coincidence... " Jayden had a point and I can't find any incriminating evidence as soon I Felt Sick to my Stomach as I ran down which was the quickest way to the Toilet as I let it all out wiping my Lips as Jayden stood at the Frames of The Door Shocked.
I sighed there is no way hiding it anymore.
"Are You OK...??? " Jayden scrunched looking confused than ever.
"There is something you should know???? " I said as I take in a deep breath.
"Are you Having the Flu or Something... " He asked as I walked up towards him and sighed.
"No Jayden, I'm Pregnant.... "
To be continued.
Lukas Finally saw The Hickey Gold own has Finish ✌✌✌✌
Good night✨

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