7:Sleep With me

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it's being a week now, I've been locked in this room, though it was adorned with all the comfort one could get I felt like a prisoner, I couldn't leave my room, talk less leave the damn house, Aiden had the best chefs prepare the most healthiest food filled with nutrients, I wasn't allowed to eat any thing like junk food, Aiden forbid it.
I wasn't allowed to keep any connection with the outside world not even my dad, so I wasn't granted a phone.
And I haven't set my eyes on Aiden on the past one week, for some reason, I was disappointed.

Why am I disappointed he forced me to be some fucked up bride.

It was already dark I laid down on my bed lost in thought until my door creaked slowly opened revealing Joan, she was wearing laced through crop top with blue denim shorts, she looked like a goddess rocking her outfit, her hair was braided down in pigtails making her look like the all american girl next door she slowly closed the door with her left hand.
On her right hand a paper plate covered with a paper towel concealing whatever was in the plate.
she pinned the locks to the door as she slide her finger in between her lips signalling me to keep quiet as she sat down at the edge of my bed.

"Hello..." she said like a 10 yr old like it was the first time we met.

"Hi..." I waved slightly amused the way she was acting.

I couldn't help but furrow my brows in curiosity with a wide grin beaming on her goddess carved face.

"Aiden will kill me If he knew I was here so finish up..." she said as she pushed the plastic plate to me like I was some lost puppy, she was trying to gain it's trust.

I slowly picked up the plate and removed the paper towel revealing six big juicy wings as I immediately started devouring the poor meat.

Joan watch me eat as she giggled lightly .

"You eat like a pig..." she said as I stopped and smiled with my mouth filled with meat I finished eating leaving the remains of the bones, as I wiped my greasy mouth clean with my sleeves and drop the paper plate on my bed as Joan picked it up and put it on my desk as she jumped on the bed and folded her legs next to me.

"So do you always eat like this..." She said as I giggled loudly as she slams her hands on my lips.

"Keep it down Aiden might get suspicious..." she said in a whisper as she removes her hand from my face and I nod affirmatively.

"Sorry I haven't eaten anything like food for a while, with Aiden forbidding everything like a plague and I feel so sorry for the chicken right now..." I said as she chuckled quietly.

"Don't worry the chicken had it coming.." She said in an attempt to make me laugh as I giggled again quietly as I bow my head and pull it up and face her brushing my hair back down through my fingers.

"wow your hair Is beautiful and really long that is some really good human hair where did you get it..." Joan asked as I looked at her In confusion.

"Human hair???" I asked as She gasped and comes close and tries to pull my hair out if it's scalp.

"This Is your real hair..." She said in shock as I nod and she gets up wanting to touch my head but I scoot back a little, I could go bald.

"Please can I touch it I won't pull it off your scalp.." She said I nod and I sat down and she brushes my hair with her fingers.

"Wow can I weave it..." she asked, I nodded so she won't be disappointed, she brought me real food, it's the least I could do for her.

I sat down folded she starts weaving my hair to God Knows what style.

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