Chapter 17

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You hurried through the hallway, not really paying attention to where you were going. Your eyes landed on a door and you instinctively opened it to hide behind its opaque protection. You sat on the floor, your back leaning on the door. You were in the broom closet.

Perfect. Nobody would look for you there.

You breathed deeply, trying to calm your crazy heartbeat. What had just happened? Law had... kissed you? Why? You had assumed long ago he would never be more than your captain and a distant friend. Why would he do such a thing?

"Because he likes you, genius," an upset voice said in your head, breaking the heavy silence that dominated it a few seconds ago. You didn't know why, but your mind had blocked completely at the moment you felt Law's lips on yours.

"He doesn't like you. He's obviously making fun of you. Why would he like a nosy, clingy woman?" a new irritating voice contradicted.

Your heart clenched painfully at the thought. Was he really toying with you? That was cruel... No, that couldn't be. He would never do such a thing.

You took your fingers to your lips, but stopped inches away, some part of you not wanting to erase the lingering sensation of his gentle kiss with your fingertips.

A side of you screamed you to go back to the sick bay and run into his arms, wanting to believe he kissed you because you were special to him. But the dominant side begged you to stay away for now, not really believing he actually felt something for you and fearing you would get hurt. Not because you thought him capable of hurting you so cruelly, but simply because you couldn't believe it.

A sudden rage swirled in your chest. Why did you care, anyways? You didn't have feelings for him anymore. You had left that behind long ago.

"Yeah, you don't have a crush on him anymore." Voices started messily filling your mind, your thoughts going on rampage. "Of course you don't. Because you love him." "He loves you too, go talk to him." "He doesn't." "He said he didn't want to lose you." "So what?" "How do you plan facing him after freaking out over a simple kiss?" "He will understand." "He won't. You lost your chance." "That chance never existed." "Oh my goodness, how are you going to survive your next checkup?" "I don't know! I don't know!" "You should have told him to strip when he offered." "Where did that come from?!" "And tonight? You can't tell him to go back to the couch." "How about sleeping under the bed?" "Sounds good to me." "He would realize and think you're weird." "He already thinks you're weird, you just run away from a kiss!" "Yeah, and don't forget you almost ate the door and proved yourself unable of getting dressed properly." "I know, stop reminding me!" "I bet he thinks you're stupid as well." "Blame it on the bread. He hates it. He will believe you." "Why does this happen to me? My ideas were clear and organized and now everything's upside down." "Deal with it." "Maybe if you step in the toilet and flush it you could escape through the ocean." "And drown." "Sounds good to me." "You are freaking out for a plain kiss!" "You'll end up alone anyways. You'll live under a bridge, surrounded by cats, talking to your socks and..."

"SHUT UP!!!!" you shouted fed up with the annoying voices.

The door opened behind you and you fell backwards, hitting your head against the floor.

"(Y/N)?" penguin asked in confusion, looking down at you.

"Hi," you greeted from the floor, waving your hand and smiling awkwardly.

"What are you doing?"

"Uhmmm... meditate," you answered.

"Meditate," he repeated.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now