Chapter 3

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Everything was finally calm. They had managed to keep the sub stable during the harder part, and now it advanced in a slow pace through the fog, which gradually dispersed as the sub made its way along the ocean and got away from the island.

Law let out a heavy sigh. He still had to talk to you, so after making sure everything was under control, he headed towards your room.

He could hear many thumps coming from your room. They grew louder as he approached his destination. It seemed you had gone through the gloomy phase and were now on the hurricane burst. You had such bad temper...

The door was closed, so he opened it carefully in time to witness one of your shoes flying across the room and hitting the wall next to him.

He entered the room and watched impassively how you threw and hit your shoes, clothes, cushions and some other things across your room. And here you were being careful not to break any of your friends' belongings.

He stayed like this for a while, waiting for you to reckon his presence. But since you didn't make any sign to stop, he decided to speak. "Throwing things will do no good to you," he started.

You ignored him as you went to grab your pillow from the floor and threw it back to your bed in anger.

"(Y/N)-ya, stop."

"Don't tell me what to do!" you yelled kicking the shoe that hadn't flown before.

"I tell you what to do because I'm your captain and because you can get yourself hurt," he said, trying to keep calm.

His fake serenity just made you angrier. Not even in a moment like this could he show his feelings. "Hah! As if you cared about me getting hurt! Your only worry is that if I get hurt you'll have more work to do. Because that's all I am to you: a burden, a nuisance!" you accused him with a dry, forced laugh. "You never have anything nice to say to me. Whenever I try to talk to you, you reject me. Why did you ask me to join the crew, to begin with? I don't even know what I'm doing here! I don't know why I'm still here! I just cause trouble, right?"

"And what about you?! You're always mocking me and trying to offend me! Have you ever apologized for it? NO!" He had heard enough. You had no right to blame him like you did. You were always messing with him. He didn't mean to say you were useless, unlike you every time you made fun of him. And here you were yelling at him and making a scene when he had gone to try to apologize for it.

"Why should I be sorry for a joke? Jokes are jokes, you can't take them seriously. Why do you have to be such a sourpuss?" At this point you had stopped throwing things and stood in front of him in a stiff position, clenching your fists.

"You're supposed to apologize when something you do hurts others!" he shouted.

"Hurt? Nothing can hurt you, you have no feelings! You're just a cold, heartless bastard!" You regretted your words even as you pronounced them. But you couldn't stop yourself and, before you knew, you had yelled them at his face.

The room went silent, the air inside seemed to thicken as you remained staring at each other, none of you capable of articulating a single word anymore.

You stared at Law in panic and remorse, expecting him to get mad at you, shout at you and punish you. Maybe even hit you, even though he had never laid a finger on you in that way. And you wished he had reacted like that, as the sight you had in front of you was far worse than any scolding or punishment.

He was petrified. His eyes were fixed on you but unfocused, his mind wandering somewhere far away from the room he was in. But still you could see the pain reflected on them, proving how wrong you were on your last statement. You had broken him.

A chip off the old block - Law x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now