Chapter 10: Kurando

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Chapter 10:


I gasped at what Yuuki had just told me… If you spill any blood out here, they’ll come find you.

   “Shiki wouldn’t…” I mumbled to myself. Yuuki sat up straight and looked at me.

   “Yeah he would. You should’ve seen him at this party Takuma was throwing this one time… he slit Ichijo’s wrist and started drinking his blood. Some Vampires just get sick of drinking those blood tablets.” My eyes widened. Shiki slit someone’s wrist to drink their blood… What if he does that to me?

   “Um… tablets?” I asked her scratching my head. My eyes were twitching at the thought of Shiki drinking my blood. That time when he saved me, blood was dripping from my neck, yet he still resisted the urge to have a taste.

   “They satisfy the Vampires tastebuds for blood so they don’t go out chomping on everyone’s necks. It’s very convenient.” Yuuki said with a smile. I nodded and looked up at the sky which was now a yellowy orange colour. The sun was setting and it was only the beginning of my job today. I had to stay out all night just patrolling the area… Lucky me.

   “Hey you two,” Spoke a familiar voice from behind the fountain. Both me and Yuuki weren’t expecting someone there and we both almost jumped right out of our skins. “There’s a new kid who should’ve been here two hours ago and the Headmaster reckons he’s lost on the land. He wants you two to split up on duty and search for him.” It was Zero of course. He didn’t look amused about how there was a new student.

   “And where have you been?!” Yuuki snapped. She stood tall and glared at him. “We had to handle the day class students all by ourselves and you weren’t there to help! Why not?” I stood up behind her. Zero glanced at me and I shook my head, agree with Yuuki.

   “The Headmaster had an errand for me. I needed to study up on the areas.” Zero said shining an envelope to Yuuki quickly, then placing it back into his uniform pocket.

   Yuuki frowned, “A Level E?” She whispered. I gasped and stepped back. They both turned to face me with quizzical looks.

   “A… Level E?” I spoke shakily. Yuuki walked in front of me.

   “What’s wrong?” She asked. I shook my head dramatically.

   “Nothing… Nothing at all. I’m just going to go look for this new student now.” I exclaimed and quickly bolted off into the direction of the front gate. I was so frightened… A Level E? That was the same thing Kaname said on the night I was attacked. That Vampire… Was a Level E and now there’s another one. But, why does Zero know about it?

   I ran to a tall tree and latched onto it. I breathed in and out fast, my heart racing. I was shivering. I was scared. I thought I would die that night and now seeing as there’s another Level E… Oh God!

   I bared my face into the tree. I wanted to cry at remembering that night so vividly… I wanted to crawl into a hole and stay there for… who knows how long.

   I pushed my body up and leapt high, into the tree and onto the lowest branch. I had a good jump from doing gymnastics at some point in my childhood. I glanced over the Academy, looking around for this boy. I didn’t know if he was from the night class or the day class. I really hoped he wasn’t from the night class.

   “Excuse me?” I heard a voice from below the tree. I glanced down and saw a male figure in the shadows. I couldn’t see his face; it was now getting incredibly dark. “Do you know where the Headmaster might be? I’m new here and I’m lost.” He laughed a cute laugh and continued to stare at me. I was speechless for a moment but then I jumped down to meet him in person.

Vampire Knight- Shiki Senri Love StoryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum