Chapter 25: My Vampire Knight!

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Chapter 25:

My Vampire Knight!

I wanted to cry for help but didn’t want to draw attention from the headmaster or other Vampires. If they saw Kurando doing this to me they would have him killed probably and I didn’t want that at all! I knew Kurando was in there somewhere I just had to get him out!

   “What’s the matter? Don’t you like this game?” He asked laughing creepily afterwards.

   I sighed, “No ‘cos you didn’t give me a fair chance to hide! No transporting allowed!” I snapped.

   “Hey, you don’t make the rules.” He reassured me.

   I spat on his legs, “Then I’m not playing.” I ended and squeezed my eyes shut like a little kid not getting what they wanted. He was so childish it was unimaginable something like this could take over someone so beautiful and nice. It was sad too...

   “Fine,” He muttered in an annoyed tone and latched at my arm pulling me up with all strength. I landed on my feet and looked up at him. “1...2...3...” Crap! I thought and ran away as fast and silently as possible.

   I needed to find a safe place for now! I needed to find Shiki! Oh dear lord!

   I continued to run and I ran through the bush areas full of trees. I stopped out of breath and was sure he wouldn’t find me in there. I looked around and I couldn’t see him or Shiki...

   Suddenly out of nowhere he leapt through the bushes and grabbed me, wrapping his arms around me tightly and not letting go. I struggled in his grip and I glanced at his face. He snickered and said, “10!” I was about to cry out when all of a sudden Kurando cried out in pain and released me. I fell backward and he span around. His clothes were torn in a neat, diagonal line over his back where blood poured out. It was a deep wound too. I glanced around muddled and so did he.

We then both heard a whisper and looked upwards. “Don’t ever touch her again.” Demanded Shiki leaping down from the tree tops. I smiled and stood up slowly.

   “Oh come on, we were only having a little fun.” Mumbled Kurando in a lot of pain. He slowly fell to his knees and looked up. “Wait till you see it get even better Shiki Senri!”

   Shiki stepped back and I quickly ran around and too his side. “Yuna go!” He demanded.

   I looked at him crossly, “Are you kidding me, I’m not leaving you!” I replied grabbing his arm. I was feeling so much dread and responsibility was shining in my face. I knew I had to stop this. I had to free Kurando, therefore Shiki needed me. And I needed him too.

   “OK then, sweetheart. Watch it get interesting.” Kurando mumbled with a chuckle. I stared at him as I slowly backed up behind Shiki in a scared state. I think he could feel me tremble at his soft touch.

   “Yuna, flee. He wants you and I can’t let you get hurt.” Shiki said softly and calmly although the situation wasn’t calm at all.

   “But Shiki, I know Kurando’s still in there! We have to try and get him back! We have to help him and I need to be with you to do that!” I protested angrily. I yanked at Shiki’s arm to spark his attention toward me to 110% but he was still a little jittery toward Kurando who appeared to be in A LOT of pain. He was moaning and groaning a lot and he continued to grab at his back as if something kept hitting at it.

   “Do you know what he’d do to you Yuna?” I stepped back thinking about what this creep would do. Many horrid things flashed through my mind and I shook my head to distort them. I was now very scared…

Vampire Knight- Shiki Senri Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ