Chapter 2: Shiki Senri

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Chapter 2:

Shiki Senri

   We walked through a small open forest. Shiki still holding my tissue; the blood from his forehead dribbling down his face.

   “You know I gave that to you so you could clean yourself up.” I reminded him. He shrugged.

   “I don’t need it,” He muttered and the trail of blood reached his mouth. He licked the drop at the end and grinned at me. I snatched the tissue off him and dabbed at the cut. I wiped all of the blood onto the tissue and placed it into my pocket for me to throw out later.

   “There, all better. That’s all you had to do, Shiki.” I gave him a half smile but he turned away. We came to a large fountain and it was beautiful. Shiki walked over to it and sat on the edge.

   “Time to stop,” He said relaxing himself. He looked up at the starry sky. I did the same.

   “Why stop here? We’re almost done right?” I asked sitting down next to him. He looked me in the eyes.

   “We’ll finish soon.” He finished the conversation and I sat back. He wasn’t the talker—yet he wasn’t the anything! He was very different from the guys I know.

   I suddenly heard a strange noise, as if someone was giggling. I shivered as the cold wind hit the back of my neck—I had left my suit case with the Headmaster so I wouldn’t have to lug it around.

   Shiki quickly stood up and stared straight. He looked as if he was concentrating on something. I stood up as well.

   “Stay down,” He snapped and nearly pushed me into the fountain water. I gasped and covered my mouth.

   “What’s going on Shiki?” I asked shaking. Something horrible was about to come… I could just sense it!

   The giggling got closer and closer and louder as well. It sounded as if it was coming in all different directions. A man’s laughter—it was so creepy.

   Shiki pushed his hand out in front of me. He wanted me to hold it. “Grab my hand and don’t let go,” He explained. I did as I was told. He pulled me closer to him and I began to blush. Our bodies so close… I didn’t even know him! “Close your eyes,” He whispered, “And don’t open them!”

   I squeezed my eyes shut and before I knew it, I think we were in the air. I heard noises of things shattering and crashing into concrete. I tried my best to keep my eyes shut but I really just wanted to peak at what was happening. I opened one eye slightly and peered past Shiki. I noticed we were standing on a tree branch and a very thin, pale man was in the air and staring at Shiki. He looked at me with bright red eyes and a huge, frightening smile. “Give… me… the… girl,” He struggled to say and started to giggle again. I started shaking and I quickly closed my eye again. What was happening?

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