|Fun Facts|

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1. This was originally meant to be a stand alone, which it technically is, but I decided to make a whole series!

2. Adam was not going to be as nice as he was, but I decided to write a gentlemanly Alpha since they are in such short supply

3. You've already met (nearly) all of the Alphas who the series will be surrounding since they all attended Adam and Leora's wedding.

4. You've also met a couple of their future mates, but you don't know it yet.

5. Physical appearance isn't really given much in this book. The only character that got a physical appearance is Adam and Leora's parents, everyone else, including Leora simply has snippets of them revealed to the reader. This was because Leora lives her life in the dark, and cant judge appearances, therefore the reader was also denied such a privilege.

6.Leora and Stephanie were meant to become friends but it really didn't fit no matter how I tried to write it.

7. The story technically has no location. Willsden Brooke was a town I made up, but it's influence was actually London, England.

8. Adam and Leora weren't actually meant to get married until the Epilogue but I decided to make it into full chapters instead.

9. This book took me a fraction of the time it took to write my first book Belle's Beast! That one took years, this one took months!

10. I was going to name one of their sons 'Bruce' simply because their surname was Wayne, but I couldn't take the idea seriously enough.

11. Adam was supposed to have a sibling, but once I really flushed out the type of people his parents were, it didn't feel right to me.

12. Beta Sam was supposed to be mated from the start but I didn't want it to feel like the only reason Leora made a friend was because she was another female with a rank. Also I didn't want to focus too much on him.

13. If Leora's eyes weren't clouded grey, then she would have blue eyes like her mother.

14. I kept mistaking Adam's name for Phoenix which is my Male MC in Belle's Beast. I miss him :(

15. I just randomly threw in Crystal, she was never really meant to be part of the story, but she turned out to be such a huge part of the story, especially for Leora.

16. Alpha Vincent was originally called Zack, then my friend told me just dumped an a-hole with the same name and it turned me off the name completely.

17. I was also tempted to change Adam's name. I originally got the inspiration from Beauty and the Beast (which yes, I am obsessed with,) and I loved the name when I started. But I met a guy called Adam irl who was just so horrible that I wanted to change it, but by then I was already halfway through the story.

18. A lot of the inspiration from Leora's character came from Toph from Avatar. There were a lot of comments pointing out the similarities, and that is why! Also Leora's sensei's name 'Misako' came from Lego Ninjago- if you haven't seen it, its your loss. 

19. Leora is the first female MC that I've written who is over the age of 20! Usually I stick with protagonists around 18-20 years old with male counterparts that are around 5-9 years older. 

20. That also makes this one of the smaller age gaps I've written (discounting my human romances)

21. I contemplated whether Leora would get her sight back for about a second, I knew from very early on that she wouldn't. I felt like it would be an insult to both people who are blind and to Leora, so I made it permanent. At the end of the day, being blind was a part of Leora's identity- it's what encouraged her to be the way that she was and it represents a part of society that is not only discriminated against, but also doesn't get very much positive representation.

22. Adam actually tells Leora if not the exact, something very similar to what Freddie says when he confessed his love at the start- only Adam didn't insult her by saying he didn't mind that she was blind... Also proves it not really what you say its how you say it/ who says it!

23. I seriously hated the title at first, even now I contemplate changing it but because the rest of the series all had similar names that I actually like, I decided to keep it. 

24. My friends irl actually got to beta read the first chapter- it was because of them that I actually decided to write the entire book instead of trashing the whole idea.

25. I contemplated the amount of children that Adam and Leora were to have... I bounced between 3 and 5 for a long time before finally settling on 5.

26. In the Epilogue, Leora has changed a lot. I briefly hinted that she had put on weight in one of the final chapters, so after 5 children she isn't going to be the same size she was at 23. I don't really touch too much on it because physical appearance isn't a big deal to Leora. 

27. I never named Adam's pack!  I couldn't think of one that I liked and so it stayed unnamed through the entire story!

28. Leora's name is of Greek origin (because she's... Greek) and it actually means 'light' or 'light onto me'.  I actually didn't know the meaning, but it's a little bit freaky because I have future project that I've been planning about a Male MC who will be blind and the title I've stuck with is called "Bring me the light." I find it strange how my two blind characters are linked in such a coincidental way!

29. The chapter where Adam wakes up naked in the woods, and its phrased as if he cheated was done on purpose! To give you guys a heart attack but also because for all intents and purposes Adam felt like he had  'cheated' by doing what he wanted and going for a run, instead of going straight to Leora.

A/N: That's all I can really think of right now! If you have any questions let me know! 

Still a couple more parts to update... the one you want to look out for will be title "What's Next?" And will have more details on what I'll be working on, including the next instalment of The Human Mate Series!

Stay tuned!

Love you all,



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