Chapter 1

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"Come on quickly" I felt a hard tug on my arm as Hunter pulled me along. We started to leg it in the direction of the trees away from the private school block.

"Hey slow down" Hunter turned realising I wasn't as close behind him as he expected.

"I'm not as fit as you are" I clung to my stomach where I could feel a stitch coming on.

"Bella, are you calling me fit?" he winked as he chuckled at the state I was in.

I rolled my eyes "shut up you know what I mean, can't we just sit here?" I was used to his teasing by now. As we go older it became more frequent. our family's has always been close friends so we saw a lot of each other.

"Nope, come on just a bit further"

We walked, thankfully no more running, a short distance into the school grounds and sat down on a log. I watched silently as he pulled out a cigarette out and lite one for me.

Recently it had become frequent for us to ditch last period. The stress of exams and life choices ahead of us left us little time to relax. Our parents were well off and expected us to do well. It wasn't going to be long before we found out if we all got into the same college.

"You need to start going to gym not ditching it" Hunter smirked his adorable smile as he took a drag of his cigarette.

"Shut up you know I hate gym" I lightly knock arms.

"Well I'd miss out on seeing the girls in their hot gym clothes" he let out a deep groan as I roll my eyes disapprovingly.

"Is everything to do with sex with you?" he had become quite the player over the years.

"Come on don't be such a prude, still waiting for your Prince Charming?"

"Right, if guys are all like you then there isn't a hope in hell" I let out a sigh. "Regardless Nathan will scare them away" I hadn't had any serious boyfriends in the whole of my time at school and I knew Nathan was behind anyone ever attempting to talk to me.

"Meh his just protecting you. He knows how guys can be" Hunter brushed off my assumptions. 

"Yeah like you" I huff. I wouldn't deny it to myself. Hunter was hot. As we grew up puberty served him well. He now had a sharp jaw line and dreamy blue eyes. Or maybe he always had them and I just didn't realise. I would never let him know that though. We were more like best friends...

"Maybe college will be a new start for me" I smiled "the guys will be more mature"

Hunter looks at the floor "we'll see" he stumps out his cigarette as I throw mine to the floor.
"I really hope we all get in to the same one,it wouldn't be the same without us all there"

I had to agree. Although me and Nathan have our usual sibling arguments I like to think our twin bond keeps us on generally good terms. As for my best friend Chloe we had all become a great group of friends over the years.

"Your right I couldn't imagine it without us all there. you never know if we don't our parents can always pay our way in" I laugh as Hunter sighs I think he felt the pressure a lot more from them. His parents want him to take over the business while mine are giving us more freedom to pick out own interests.

"Everything ok" I smile and lean closer as I see a sad look cross his features. "You've had another argument with your parents?" I place my hand on his in comfort,

"Yeah nothing I can't handle though" he suddenly jumps up pulling my hand with him. I could tell he didn't feel like talking about it today. That was ok we had plenty of chats before and I knew he knew he could turn to me if he needed to. That's what was great about our friendship.

"Let's go back before they realise we are missing"


"Were was you? I had to cover for you in gym" I was cornered by Chloe as I headed to my locker. "Actually ...forget that I know where you were" she landed against the lockers a look of disapproving on her face. "You smell like a bonfire" her nose scrunched up.

"Yeah ok skip the lecture mum" I teased her

"Just be careful I like Hunter but he can be a bit wild sometimes" I always knew Chloe was against our little alone times.

"And you can't?" I raised an eyebrow as I locked my locker.

"That's different does Nathan know about your little get togethers?" She raised her eyebrows. knowing full well he doesn't.

"Hey sis" Nathan walked past as I shot a look at Chloe to not mention anything. He would disapprove but Hunter had agreed to keep it between us. "Wanna come to beach this weekend, Chloe of course your also invited" he smiled.

"Sure who else is coming?" I agreed as Chloe nodded.

"Me, Jake,Hunter and some of the girls" he gave me a knowing smirk "see ya at home"

"Great I can't wait let's grab some new bikinis" Chloe smiled as we linked arms.

"Yay great... I get to see the "some girls" fawning over them" I pretend to gag

"Nah you mean over Hunter, that is what your bothered about" She smirked of course the lads had a lot of popularity around the school being so good looking.

"Of course not it's just annoying how desperate they are, I've told you there's nothing like that between me and Hunter!" I rolled my eyes. she always seemed to think there's some connection between us.

"Yeah Yeah if you say so" ...

I let my mind drift of course Hunter and me were close but we all were. I didn't let it bother me when Chloe teased me and I shook of any doubt that there was we were just friends...

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