13. Trust

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"There goes Mr. Whitaker's fine ass."

Abel mumbled that the second their Physics teacher walked into the room, he was late today, which was nothing out of the ordinary. It gave the students more time to talk about homecoming and the game this weekend, so no one did mind aside from the other teachers.

The Alamance bulldogs were finally playing against their longtime rivals: North-view high school, and he'd be damned if he said they weren't annoying as hell. It was the usual rural vs. suburban kid shit, so they were naturally disposed to dislike each other. That's just how it was, but the Bobcats despised Alamance a little extra for whatever reason.

Students from both schools always got into it at malls, sporting events, etc. All that ever did was make it worse. Abel turned toward him, brushing their short, black and white box braids over their shoulder and asking the same burning question that everyone else was.

"You going to the game on Friday?"

The brown-haired boy raised an eyebrow and shook his head.

"No, I am not sitting through another hour of racial slurs ever again. Did you hear what they were calling Michael and Shaun last year?" He took out his cream-colored notebook and pencil when class finally started. "I've never heard the hard '-er' more in my life than at a game against North-view. The w-people are a different breed over there."

They snickered, "You ain't never lied, but isn't Joseph playing? You have to go! Gotta support your lil' boyfriend."

Their voice was singsong, and Jericho turned away from them in his chair, and rolled his eyes. Even though it's been almost two weeks, people were still talking about it.

"Abel, you too? Come on."

They made a giant bubble with the peach-colored gum in their mouth and smirked when it popped.

"Y'all ain't fooling nobody. Have you seen the way he gets when he talks about you? He's down bad, I'm telling you. He gets this dreamy-ass look on his face, and if I didn't know any better, I'd think he likes you a lot more than he's letting on."

Grumbling out a 'whatever,' They both turned back to the front where the teacher was and started taking notes, took a quiz, and the rest of the class was a breeze. Aside from Abel harassing him about his relationships, of course.

By the time the bell rang, he was one of the last ones out of the classroom because he stayed behind to get an extra credit worksheet. On his way to Spanish, he got a text from Joseph saying to meet him in the bathroom near his classroom. He walked across the hall to the restroom and pushed open the wooden swinging door.

He was on autopilot, forgetting entirely about his rule: they weren't supposed to be alone together in any capacity. Someone grabbed his waist from behind and kissed his nape, brushing his hair out of the way and pulling their hips together.

The brown-haired boy leaned into him. He was exhausted from the weekend and it felt nice to be loved on every once in a while. The temperature was dropping, and it finally felt like autumn outside, so the blond had on those gray fleece sweatpants.

He turned around. The seasons changing never stopped him from wearing his signature wife-beater. Today's was olive green; it matched his eyes, and he paired it with the matching gray zip-up. Grabbing a handful of Jericho's ass through his chinos, he took the gasp he made as an opportunity to dip his tongue into his mouth.

He didn't mind this more possessive side of Joseph. They parted after a while, and he looked up to see the taller boy's handsome face. He was growing his beard back out, and you could almost make the Ursa Major constellation if you were to connect the freckles on his face.

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