7. Dream

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JOSEPH BIT HIS LIP AND HUMMED APPRECIATIVELY AS HE WORKED HIS SOFTENED COCK OUT OF THE VELVETY HEAT. Hissing as he eased off another condom, threw it in the trash can, and fell on his back, he was exhausted but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling.

He glanced over at Jericho, admiring his handiwork. The other's body still twitching from the aftermath of his orgasm, and his face was stained with dried tears, among other things. Joseph wanted their first time to be perfect, he'd worship his body slowly, he wasn't having any of that.

To be completely honest, he didn't think Jericho could handle it, but they ended up doing it three times, the last two with lube; he was impressed. Must've had him hypnotized because lord knows he almost forgot to use protection; he's never that careless.

So, he's glad that common sense kicked in right before he put it in. The blond continued to watch him as he struggled to keep his eyes open, but after a few minutes, he started moving again.

When he sat up, though, and tried to stand, he almost hit the floor. Jericho groaned out a couple of choice words, having to hold onto the bedpost and the wall for support on his short journey to the bathroom.

"Dumb mother-fucking—"

The taller boy sluggishly ran his fingers through his hair and chuckled, watching him like a hawk as he picked up his clothes on the way, eyes slowly raking down his body. Back muscles flexing underneath warm brown skin following the almost feline curve of his spine and ending right below his back dimples.

He's the best sprinter on the track team for a god damn reason, too; his endurance was indeed something to behold. He fought the primal urge to grab Jericho as he bent over right in front of him to grab the last piece of clothing on the floor.

Heat bubbled into his gut, and his cock stirred, but he tried to will it away; he didn't want to hurt him any more than he already did. It sure seemed like he got off a lot faster if he were rough, he'd have to ask him about that later.

"Need help?"

Jericho mumbled 'no, thank you' to his offer and kissed the corner of his mouth, smiling but there wasn't any light behind his eyes. He limped to the bathroom across the hall, closing the door softly behind him after grabbing a towel. Joseph didn't know how to take that.

The other boy probably upset because they didn't figure anything out, well at least not with their words, so to say. He saw the signs beforehand, the hesitation, the disconnect, just didn't have any self-control left.

When Jericho finally looked at him, the sun was hitting right, and his mind went blank. He didn't have a favorite color until August 26th three years ago, before school even started, he saw Jericho for the first time at freshman orientation. The first thing that drew his attention was his face.

He looked about as bored as everyone else there. But there was something different about him, magnetic. Joseph had never used the word 'pretty' on another guy before, but he was fifteen, and that was the first thing that came to mind. He was there with an older woman, his mom, looked like she'd forced him to go, dragging him along to each table in the cafeteria.

Joseph was burning a hole in his face the entire time, so they were bound to make eye contact eventually, and he was willing to wait. He's glad he never learned how to mind his business either because he never forgot the color the moment they did.

His eyes were stunning, more beautiful than the filling in mama's famous peach cobbler, the blue ridge mountains, and the damn sun in the sky. Molten-brown amber with flecks of topaz and hessonite.

Then he smiled and gave an awkward wave. It was more of a confused grin than anything, but the corners of his eyes crinkled, and good lord he had dimples in both cheeks.

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