27. Mine

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The Night Before

JOSEPH'S INTERNAL CLOCK WOKE HIM. It was four-thirty in the morning, so it was still dark outside, but the moon provided some light. He realized quickly and with frightening ease that he could wake up like this every morning. Jericho breathing softly, face buried in his collarbone, limbs entangled.

Bodies pressed so close that he could feel the other's heartbeat through his chest. Its steady rhythm matched his own. He kissed his forehead directly under the hem of the bonnet he put on before they fell asleep. The last thing he wanted to do was leave.

Especially now because the blond was aware that the amount of time they would have together had been drastically reduced, the other boy told him everything would be okay. He wanted to believe it, but he wasn't going to fool himself either.

These last few months had been a whirlwind, three years' worth of repressed emotions and self-discovery spilling out all at once. Joseph had finally gotten this far, knew who he wanted, got him too. But, now, he was faced with the fact that he would be gone in less than a year.

He didn't know if he could do a long-distance relationship. God knows he'd be willing to try but would it be enough for both of them?

Joseph's love language was physical touch. The quarterback knew this very well; he practically craved it. Words or gifts weren't ever enough for him.

Being able to kiss, hold, and feel the warmth from the body of the person he loved meant the world to him. It wasn't something he thinks he could go long without either because even when they weren't together, Jericho never withheld that from him.

The one time it did happen, last summer when things were awkward between them, he didn't know what to do with himself. He did know it was probably some possessive codependent shit on his end, though. When he finally touched him at the gas station, he nearly fucking shivered.

The things he wanted to do to the brown-haired boy were unimaginable. He wanted to grab him right there and take back every single touch he deprived him of for months, but he couldn't. That would've scared him away forever.

He didn't have forever.

Jericho began to stir due to his movements. Stretching like a cat and rolling over until he was laying on his chest, cradling his head in the folds of his arms.

Joseph laughed softly and rested one hand on his back, rubbing circles into his skin under the duvet. The other's eyes cracking open, lifting his head slightly.


Voice low and rough with sleep, slightly muffled because of their proximity.

"Hey, sunshine." He pulled his arm around his waist and squeezed "it's still early; go back to sleep for me."

He yawned and snuggled back into his chest, sleepiness overriding the usual exhibition of stubbornness.

"Mm, night. I love you...."

His heart squeezed painfully.

"I love you, too."

'So much that it hurts and I don't think I can do this without you, I need you, don't leave—'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2022 ⏰

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