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Esme POV
I held onto my daughter just rocking her. "Youre going to be okay babygirl. Youre going to be okay," I said.

She just cried kicking her legs. Soon a nurse came in. "Alright we have a bed for her upstairs," she said. I nodded and followed her holding her close.

"We will take care of her," she said.

I nodded.

She led me to a room with a crib in it. "Lets try to get an IV in her," she sighs. "Can you hold her still," she said.

I nodded and held her close to my chest. The nurse took her arm and felt around. She poked her hand with a needle and put the IV in and taped it down. "There," she said.

"You can hold her or lay her down. I will be in soon as I get the doctors order for the antibiotics,"  she said.

"Thank you," I whispered.

"Ot course," she said.

I sat down in the chair just holding her rocking her gently. "Youre going to be okay babygirl," I whispered holding onto her tears in my eyes. "Youre going to be okay,"

I rocked her. Izzy finally falling asleep.

The nurse coming back in. "I have the antibiotics," she whispered coming over getting the chord for the IV. "This wont hurt at all," she said.  "Itll take a few minutes though. I have to give it slowly,"

I nodded. "How long till this will clear up?"

"Could be a few days. Could be a few weeks. Hopefully we caught it early enough and you'll be out of here in a few days," she said.

I nodded and held her. "She's finally sleeping. She hadnt really slept much,"

"Thats good. We need to put monitors on her to watch her heart rate," she said.

I nodded "we can do that after this," I told her.

"She wont have any permanent damage from this will she?" I asked.

"We hope not," she whispered.

"I love her so much. I was supposed to move in two days. I don't know what I'm going to do now," I touched her forehead. 

"Why were you moving so soon?"

"My husband wasnt a good man. Finally I had the courage to get away from him. I dont want my child to be in his life. So we are moving far far away," I whispered.

"I'm so sorry Esme," she whispered.

"I had a forced pregnancy when I was 18," she whispered. "I understand how it feels to want to leave. My daughter is now 9 and I'm here," she said. "Things are going to work out just fine."

"I know they are. I just have to get through this and then we can leave," I sighed.

She nodded. "There.... the antibiotics my make her feel sick too. Nauseous. Can you lay her down so I can get the monitors on?" She asked.

I nodded and placed her in the crib. She pulled one of the side down and placed wires along her chest and side. "Ill be back to check. The doctor will be in soon to meet you and her," she said and hugged me gently. She then left.

Esme's Long Lost Daughter Where stories live. Discover now