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June 27th, 1921

"It's a girl," the nurse said.

"It's a girl," I smiled as a beautiful babygirl was placed in my arms. "She's beautiful," tears welled in my eyes. "She's gorgeous," I smiled.

"What do you want to name her?" She said with a smile.

"Izzy. Izzy Anne Platt," she said.

"What a beautiful name," she said with a smile. "Let me give her a bath then you can hold her some more," she said. 

I nodded and handed my baby girl into her arms. 

She took her from me. She left the room for a few minutes.

"I have a baby girl," I smiled and rested back on the bed. I was so tired from labor but all I wanted to do was hold my baby girl.

"Here sweetheart," the nurse said coming in handing me the baby that was wrapped in a pink fuzzy blanket.

She started to cry.

"Shh shh dont cry my little one," I said.

"Feed her She's probably hungry," the nurse said.

I nodded and lifted my gown and helped my baby latch on. She stopped crying instantly and drank.

"I love her. Shes perfect," I smiled.

"She is," she said. "Can I check your vitals real quick?" She asked.

"Of course," I said yawning.

She came over and putting on the blood pressure cuff carefully taking my blood pressure. "Your blood pressure is high but thats normal you just gave birth," she said.

I nodded and sighs.

Izzy unlached from me and yawned. I gently bounced her patting her back. I chuckled a bit. "Shes perfect," I smiled again. I knew this was going to be a fresh start. As soon as I'm out of the hospital Izzy and I we are moving. Leaving town. I'm going to leave my whole life behind and start new. No one can hurt me again. I won't let it happen.

I rocked Izzy after I burped her. She slowly fell asleep in my arms. I rested my head back holding onto her. I began to doze off.

When I awoke Izzy was lying beside me in a crib. One of the nurses must have moved her. "Hi baby girl," I yawned seeing her sleep. "You're beautiful Izzy," she said. "I'm gonna take you home soon," I smiled and reached out touching her head.


Two days later

"Alright Esme. Everything is set. Your baby is perfectly healthy, you're healthy. You're ready to leave," the doctor said.

"Thank you," I smiled.

"Don't hesitate to come back is feeling unwell okay?" He said.

"Okay," I smiled.

"Its our new start babygirl," I smiled and kissed her head. The young infant in my arms squealed.

I laughed at it. I stood and held her in my arms. I sighed as they brought a wheelchair in. "Is that necessary?" I asked.

"Procedure," he said.

I nodded and stood sitting in it focusing on my child. My sister was coming to pick me up from the hospital. I stood seeing her at the door "Betty its so nice to see you. This is your neice Izzy," I said getting into the car. I held my baby close to me protectively.

"She's beautiful."

"Thank you." I said. "Sister I'm leaving town. I'm moving. I have to get away from here. I need a fresh start," I said.

"Why? Is this because..."

"Because of Charles. Yes it is. He is a terrible man Betty. I dont want him to be a part of Izzy's life. As soon as we pack up were going to leave."

"Okay I support you sister," She said.

"Thank you."

Betty drove me home. I already had a room set up for Izzy. I got out of the car and walked into the nursery. I laid her into her crib. "I love you so much Izzy. You're my sunshine into this dark gray world," I told her touching my cheek.

She felt slightly warm to the touch but I didn't think wrong about it. She was in a blanket so maybe she was just hot. The doctor said she was perfectly healthy.

I sighed and let her take a nap whil I went to the kitchen to make me some lunch. I love cooking so much. I can't wait till Izzy is older so I can cook for her. I can't wait. There's so many things I want to do. We can go to the zoo to the park. We can be a happy family just me and her. We dont need a man. Its just going to be me and her against the world.

I got out supplies to make chicken. I turned on the oven to 350 and put the chicken in the pan. I coated it with butter and garlic powder then thew it in the oven for 30 minutes to start. Ill start my noodles a bit later.

I went back to check on Izzy. She was sleeping soundly. I kissed her on the forehead gently. Still warm.

Stop it. She's fine.

I left the room leaving it open just a crack. I went to the kitchen to wait for the chicken to be done.

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