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Over the next theee days I was packing. Izzy was constantly crying. I went over and touched her forehead. She was burning up. "Oh baby you're burning up" I said and got a cool rag placing it on her forehead.

She let out a loud scream. "I'm gonna call the doctors baby," I said.

I moved to the kitchen to the phone. I called my doctor.

"Hello Dr. Blanchard speaking."

"Hi, Dr. Blanchard. This is Esme Anne Platt. I gave birth about a week ago. My child has a fever. Shes burning up. Shes been warm for the past few days and I dont know what to do," I said.

"Okay, I'll write a prescription to help break the fever. Come in if the fever hasn't gone away in three days okay? Or if any other symptoms occur."

"Okay thank you," I said.

"Of course, best of luck," he said and hung up.

I picked her up gently and went to the car. I helped her strap in and then moved to the front seat. Slowly and carefully I drove to the hospital to pick up the prescription for Izzy. I parked in the parking lot and picked Izzy up holding her close as I walked into the pharmacy.

I waited in line.

Slowly the line moved and I was up next. I walked to the desk. "Hi. Dr. Blanchard wrote a perscrption for my child," I said.

The male nodded. "Whats your name?" He asked.

"Esme Anne Platt," I said.

"Alright I'll take a look back there anr I'll call you up," he said.

I nodded and held onto Izzy. Who was still crying.

I started to get glares. "Shh sweetheart you're okay," I rocked her holding her to my chest. I relaxed once they called my name. Quickly I payed and headed to the car. I drove home. I put the liquid medication in her bottle and gave it to her.

I held onto her rocking Izzy as she fell asleep

I held her on my chest as I laid back in bed. I closed my eyes and dozed off to sleep.

All of a sudden I woke up to Izzy coughing hard.

"Izzy baby. Breathe," I told her patting her back. I touched her forehead. Her fever only got worse. I'm taking her in. I called my sister up quickly. "Hi. Its me Esme. I know you're probably at work now but something is wrong with Izzy. I'm taking her to the emergency room. Call me," I said and grabbed a few diapers and rushed to the hospital.

She kept coughing and wheezing. "I know baby were almost there," I said and pulled up to a parking spot. I quickly unbuckled her and ran up to the door. "Hi there's something wrong with my child," I rushed, speaking to the receptionist.

"Whats the matter?" She asked.

"Shes had a fever for a week now almost and now shes coughing and wheezing," I said panicked. "Please help her," I said.

"Okay honey, just relax, we will help her. Whats her name?"

"Izzy Anne Platt," I said.

"Alright they will call you in a few minutes. Theres only a few people ahead of you," she said.

I held onto my screaming and kicking child trying to calm her down.

"Can you shut her up," a male said.

"You shut up," I glared at him bouncing my child.

I held onto her.

I looked at the clock. A few minutes passed and nothing happened. Thirty minutes passed and my child was screaming still. I rocked her trying to calm her. "Izzy?" A nurse came out.

I stood swiftly walking over. "Hi. Please help my child is sick," I said.

She nodded and took Izzy gently. She placed her on the scale "10lbs," she said. She stuck a thermometer in her mouth struggling to keep it there. She tenses. "Oh god," she said.

"What is it?!"

"105.3," she said and instantly lays her on the bed. She ran out grabbing cool wet rags placing them on her body. "Ill get the doctor," she said.

Izzy was screaming on the top of her lungs coughing and crying. The doctor rushed in. "Hello Esme, Izzy. I see Izzy has a fever and a bad cough," he said.

I nodded. "Please tell me shes okay," I said.

"Let me listen to her lungs," he sighs and went over. Izzy was still screaming, crying and coughing. "I suspect its a bad case of pneumonia... I'm going to hospitalize her until it clears up," he said. "I'll have a nurse bring you to xray to confirm my diagnosis," he said.

I nodded and rocked her. The nurse came in with a wheelchair. I didn't argue I just sat in and rested there holding my child. She wheeled me to the xray.

"I need her to lay as still as possible can you hold her hands," she said and picked Izzy up laying her on the table. "Hold her hands over her head," she said.

I nodded and did what she said.

"All done," she said.

I sighed and picked up Izzy and sat back down rocking her.

We headed back to the room.  I waited another hour before the results came. The doctor walked in. "It is pneumonia. We will do IV antibiotics and fluids. We will get you transferred upstairs. You're lucky you came in Esme," he said.

"Mothers instinct," I replied holding Izzy close.

"Ill get that transfer set up. Please just try to relax till then," he said and left.

Esme's Long Lost Daughter Where stories live. Discover now