Chapter 18: Miss Beauty and Brains.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

"As the wife of one of the most important men in this city, there are certain obligations that you have. You're expected to attend socialite functions like lunches, dinners, tea parties and so on." Leah says and I give her a look.

Lunches and tea parties? Okay, that is so not me. I'm more of a dinner and crazy house parties person.

"You obviously don't have to go to all the ones that you've been invited to. I picked out the ones that seem to be more interesting. Here's your schedule for the next four weeks." She hands me two joint papers.

So Adam hired me a PA. Can you freaking believe that? Leah Samuels is a twenty five year old brunette with a British accent. I love accents so I like it when she speaks.

She's slender, really pretty and very fashionable. I love the way she dresses. She said she moved here only two years ago. She's from Birmingham and that's where she lived her whole life till she got a job here in the United States.

Adam is so fucking smart. He a hired that type of person he knows I would like.

I go through the schedule and I gape. "I have to go to all these?"

There are some weddings, fundraisers, charity events, fashion events, some casual brunches and tea parties then dinners.

"Yes and um," She nervously looks at Juliet. "We have to talk about your clothing."

"What about it?" I frown.

"You're supposed to be wearing skirts and dresses with pearls necklaces."

Gosh! She sounds like a poet. We're sitting in one of the sitting room with upstairs, having this meeting and honestly, I'm bored as fuck.

It's ten pm, I had a long day at school so I'm tired. This semester has been hard throughout and it keeps getting harder.

And does Leah wants me to dress like a grandma?

"Leah, I really appreciate you trying to help but you need to understand that I'm a twenty one year old female in the twenty first century. I will dress in whatever I want." I tell her.

"Just for the events, Mrs Black. People that go there usually dress like that." She quickly says with a blush.

"Yes but we're talking about thirty and forty year old women. I'm not going start dressing like an old woman. Juliet can pick out something suitable." I remark.

Only a few people get married at twenty one. People usually get married older than that so the fact that I'm married is not going to make me to start acting older than I am.

"Of course." She smiles.

"You're also a stylist, right?"

"No, I'm more of a personal shopper but I'm so into fashion which is why I'm so excited to work for you." She replies, fixing her hair.

She is wearing red loose pants with a white blouse tucked inside and black YSL boots then her hair is a ponytail and she has these nice big round earrings.

"We haven't talked about the clothes that were brought here last week. It's a new Louis Vuitton collection and it came with a note that said that they want you to walk in their upcoming show." Juliet says.

"When is it?"

I don't know why the brand keeps sending me clothes but I love it.

"In about three weeks." Juliet answers my question.

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