Chapter 17: I was crazy.

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Amelia's outfit above.

Amelia Black

Adam is gone. I don't know where he went or traveled to, all I know is that he hasn't slept in this house in for five days.

Since he came back from Iceland, there are times when I would even go more than five days without seeing him but I felt his presence. This time though is different.

I haven't seen Ned around either so my guess is their on a business trip or he's at his girlfriend's (if he has one).

Somehow the thought of him having a girlfriend makes me uncomfortable. It's not because I like him or anything but it just feels weird. Gosh!

Fuck me.

Guilt has been eating me since he left. Did I really act like an ungrateful bitch?

The morning after the whole drama, I went to his office and I saw two broken mugs. His lamp was lying on the floor and his computer had been thrown off the desk.

June said that he gets really destructive anytime he's angry.

Adam was right about all those things he said but at the same time, he wasn't. I don't see him as a monster or a mean cold bastard. I know he's a very good person.

I feel so bad for lying to him.

"Amelia, are you feeling okay?" Marina, a Filipino maid asks.

"I am." I smile at her.

I turn my attention back to Robert Pattinson face.

"Bella, I can't stay away from you." He said and I let out a chuckle, remembering how crazy my friends and I used to go over that line when we were in Elite High.

I wonder what high school Amelia would think about how my life had turned now.

She was crazy, I was crazy.

I had excellent grades but that didn't stop me from making my teachers go wild. I went to class late, made a lot of noise, talk back to the teachers and that of course got me detention.

I partied every night with my friends, hung out with my hot boyfriend. Jason King was perfect in every way. I loved him.

Not Liam love but high school love.

I was really heartbroken when he left but the time after that was probably the best time of my life.  My friends and I did some travelling and we had the time of our lives.

There was this time when Nicole and I got stopped on the road by two sexy cops on the road for speed driving. We didn't want to get a ticket so we literally made out with them as an apology.

Right in the middle of the road.

Like I said, I was crazy.

And the truth is, I loved every single moment of it. Well except, when we found out that the cop I kissed was married. Nicole's was single though and they hooked up.

I have really changed. What the hell happened to me? Growing up?

I unlock my phone and send a message to our group chat.


"I can live here forever." Jacob moans as he eats his third slice of cheesecake.

We've talked and he said we are okay as long as I don't talk about him and Chloe again.

I'm obviously not okay with that but I'm not going to push him. I'm someone that respects other people's boundaries.

"Yeah, me too." Tyler says with his mouth full of a lobster tail.

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