Unexpected Departure

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Chapter 11

Hearing footsteps approaching, Gavin tightened his grip around his gun, but relaxed to see that it was just Damian.

"Oh, it's only you." He said. "What the hell happened here?!" was his cousin's reply with widened eyes. Looking around, Gavin simply shrugged.

"We just had to face a few obstacles. Right guys?" "Yeah." Agreed Rin. "Totally." Added Luke. All around Gavin, were the bodies of demons. Rin and Luke were relaxing on chairs next to a beaten up, tied and gagged Adrian, while Ace was searching frantically for any signs as to where their brother was. "Why?"

Rin saw Damian look at them expressionlessly, and roll his eyes. "Hey, hey, hey! Watch the attitude kid! Wait....Since you're here, want to help us out?" he spoke. Damian looked hesitant. "Oh come now, it is not that bad!" Gavin reassured.

"Um..I-I'll pass." His cousin replied. "Don't worry Dami. All you have to do is get rid of these corpses." Luke urged. "Oh, and do something about this over-confident Engrande here." Rin added, sharing a smirk with Rin.

"Knock it off, you three! Damian, ignore those psychopaths, and help me look for Jake." Ace called. " Now that, I am willing to do." He answered and walked over to him. By now, Ace was getting annoyed. An hour had passed yet, he could not find a single hint as to where his brother was locked. That cocky brat refused to spill.

"Watch out!" Ace suddenly shouted as his cousin slipped. To stop his fall, Damian grabbed onto a torch attached to the wall, but it shifted, making the wall turn to reveal a dimly-lit room.

"Guys, get here!" he called out and along with the others, stepped into the space-just to stop and stare in shock.

Before them, Jake lay on the ground, shivering. Slowly, he looked up and gasped. His family was here. "Is this a dream..?" he mumbled.

"Jake!" all of them yelled and gathered around him. "Here, restore your strength." Said Ace softly, as he transferred a bit of his magic to his older brother. Feeling the power surge through him, Jake stood up.

"Oh, my god! It really is you!" he exclaimed and hugged them, "Where are the girls? And Kuromi??" "Ashleigh, Lumina and Kuromi are upstairs. Kuro and Lume are trying to stop Lucifer and Ashy is looking for a way to de-spell the potion." Luke replied.

"Huh? Oh, okay......wait WHAT?!?! And you all just left them?!" Jake shrieked. "And he's back, everyone!" Gavin spoke, covering his ears. His brother just glared at him when all of a sudden, there was the sound of a loud crash followed by a scream. Sharing a look of worry, all of them ran up.

. . . . . . .

"Ashleigh, no!" Kuromi shouted. After a vicious battle, Lumina had finally defeated Lucifer, due to which, Kuromi felt the bonds restraining him and Ashleigh, loosening. Breaking free from them, he ran to Lumina, to check if she was alright.

After ensuring that Lucifer was truly unconscious, and his sister had no severe injuries, both siblings had turned to see Ashleigh grab hold of a goblet. Both of them quickly rushed to her side and at that instant, part of the ceiling came crashing down on Lucifer.

"What exactly do you think you're doing, Ashleigh?!" Lumina demanded. Kuromi was furious at her-at everyone and everything-but when his youngest sister just smiled at them sadly. What the hell is going on here? He wondered.

"Give me that!" Lumina snatched the book out of her little sister's hand, and froze and she and her brother read what was written. The book fell from Lumina's grasp in shock as Kuromi shook Ashleigh's shoulders.

"Are you crazy, Lee?! No way! No freaking way!" he yelled. At that moment, Lumina saw the others come run in.....with Jake. Damian and Luke were by her side in a second.

"Stop, Ashleigh! Don't!" Jake shouted. "B-Brother?! But...I-It's the only way!" her sister contradicted. But Lumina had had enough. Suddenly, the whole room went silent in shock as she slapped her.

"Ashleigh Sophia Marcella Blaze, shut UP!! Just shut up! I lost Itachi forever, and almost lost Jake too! I am not going to lose you! You can't do this to me! You are my sister! My best friend! So stop it, Lee!.......Please!" Lumina cried as all of them watched in bewilderment. But then she felt arms wrap around her. They were Ashleigh's.

She was already dying from inside, but this was the only way. The only way to stop the evil. To save her father. To save her family. To save her best friends. Did she want to do this? Not really, but Ashleigh wanted her loved ones to be safe and happy. So she was ready to do whatever it took to accomplish that.

. . . . . . .

"Damian! Cover me! I think the solution is in this thing!" Ashleigh shouted and cast a force shield around her. Using her powers, she skimmed through the writings, extremely fast. Come on, come on! Where is the answer?! She thought.

As if reading her mind, a tugging force pulled her towards the table and looking at it, she gasped.

The table changed into a small, blood red tornado that reached up till her waist, and a few inches above it, floated a goblet, containing an aquamarine liquid.

Ashleigh immediately looked back at the book and her eyes widened in shock. Only one sentence was written.

Cave casters; ut longe famam de victim scriptor effectus, alterum eodem sanguine est vita mutarit.

Casters beware; to remove the spell's effect from the victim, another life of the same blood must be exchanged.

"No....This can't be happening."

. . . . . . .

"I'm sorry everyone. I really am sorry, Lumi, Luke and Dami. Look I am your best friend. No matter what, I will always be your sister. In your hearts. In your memories. In your dreams. I will always be with you. Let go of all the bad things, and hold onto all the good times we spent together. Whenever you feel alone, remember I am right next to you. Watching over you. I love you Lumina. I love all of you." Ashleigh spoke with sorrow in her eyes.

In a flash, she gulped down all the contents of the goblet in her hand, and fell to the ground. The next thing she felt was darkness. Then there was peace.

"ASHLEIGH!!" her best friends; Damian, Luke and Lumina screamed, and dropped next to her lifeless body, as they helplessly cried their hearts out while her brothers watched in utter shock and disbelief.

None of them could believe. That the sweet, lively Ashleigh.....had left them for all eternity.

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