Problems Arise

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Luke could not help but feel anxious. After telling Ace that Lumina was not home, he had greeted the other family members and then had Ashleigh, Kuromi, Gavin and him to sit in the common room under his watchful-and furious-eyes.

So here he was, stuck on a couch, between his three idiotic siblings. Following what felt like hours, Rin finally walked in and Luke took this chance to throw him a helpless look, to which his brother nodded.

"Ace....enough." he said, but Ace glared at him and said, "You know that it is not safe!"

"I do, but let them go."

"The only reason I came back, was because news reached me that they are up to something."

"I understand Ace, but-"

"No! You do not understand! I left you in charge, to ensure that our younger ones are safe, but you are clearly failing in your job!"

"Fine! You're right. But please, just let them go to bed. We can deal with Lumina when she returns."

"......Whatever. Kids, get lost before I change my mind."

That was all Ashleigh needed to hear as she and Luke, dashed to his room. Ace was back. If...if he found out about her and Adrian, she did not know what her elder brother would do! Oh, and Lumina! Where was she anyway? Slowly, Ashleigh saw Luke as he took out his phone and dialled Damian's number.

Playing the human virtual reality games, Damian was having the time of his life, when his phone began to ring. Cursing, he picked it up.

"What?! I mean who is it?" he asked in a slightly annoyed tone. "Dami? Are you free?" Luke? Why does he sound so worried??

"Yeah, I am. Why, what's wrong?"

"Come over to my room."


"Lumina still isn't home."

"Huh? Luke, you know she is out late most of the time."

"Its not just that.. Ashleigh got proposed by Adrian."

"Oh...wait what?! Okay uh what else?"


"I know you're lying. Now spill."

"Ace is back."

Damian's device nearly fell from his hand and he immediately ran to the twins' room. Luke's brothers were tough, but out of all his cousins, Uncle Ash's son, Ace, was the deadliest. The moment he saw them, Damian ran to engulf Ashleigh and Luke into a tight embrace.

. . . . . . .

"I am aware of the fact that it is not safe, but do you not think that our siblings will start getting suspicious if I suddenly restricted them from almost everything?" said Rin. "I know, but I fear that they may have already reached out to her!" replied Ace, "But you are right. We can not let anyone know what we do." He was extremely worried at the moment and his brother's commentary was seriously not helping him.

Finally, the door to the room creaked open and in walked Lumina. The second she saw them, her eyes widened and she ran away-just to be caught by Ace and shoved against the wall.

"A-Ace?! When did you get back?!" Lumina stammered, but this just annoyed him. "Where were you?" he demanded. "I-In the forest."

"What were you doing there?"

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