If I Die Young Part 2 *SMUT* (At the ending)

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Recap: Emily, Chase his girlfriend was very sick. She was told she only had one more week. Chase decided to make sure it would be the best week of her live. It was. But everything good must come to an end, as day seven approaches. Emily dies in Chase his arms while being peaceful with the life she got to live until then. Chase, however, he is broken. Completely torn by the of the love of his life.

Note: there is smut, at like the complete ending of the story!

No one's POV

"Chase?" The soft voice of Bree calls for her younger brother. "Are you coming for breakfest?"
Her brother, on the other end, doesn't speak and keeps his mouth shut, eyes staring at nothing in the distance.

"Chase," she says. "You have to eat sometime. This is not good for you!" With these words she leaves the room.

Chase doesn't even consider going to breakfest, he would sneak into the kitchen later. He really didn't feel like having to see the looks of pity his family would give him. It's been three days since Emily blew out her last breath. Two more days to the funeral. A day Chase wishes wouldn't exist. A funeral is definitive, the body will go down with no way up. He keeps telling himself she'll be back, that she will be laying next to him next morning. Smiling her beautiful smile as he kisses her cheek. But he knows, somewhere in his mind, she won't come back. He knows he won't see that smile he loves so much ever again. Unless, he makes it happen. He has a lot of electronics laying around in his room so that won't be a problem.

He has two options, make a clone of her, maybe a robot, or bring her back to life. Second one sounds better. This won't be easy and he knows it, the Human body can be rather complicated, even for someone as smart as he is.

Hours have passed, hours spend on designing a chip with the capability to bring back his Emily.

"Chase? I know you're having a hard time but-" Mr Davenport, the youngster his father figure entered the room. "Chase, what on earth are you doing? Is that, is that a chip design?" His eyes land on the blue prints scattered across the room. "Chase, why on earth are you designing a bionic chip? Who do you plan to put it in?" Mr Davenport his questions are overwhelming as the brunette tries his best to focus on finishing the chip, he only has two days left. It's probably illegal to bring the death back to life. "I'm just messing around, trying not to think about.... her." He smiles sadly at the memory of his girl.

"That's alright Chase, do whatever you need to do," his father says while laying his hand to rest on Chase his shoulder. "But you've got to eat, it's not healthy," Mr Davenport is holding a plate. "Here, promise me you will at least eat something."

"I promise."

Chase ate the full plate, he has hope now. He wants het back. And he can. As he continues to work on the chip, he eats.

"You at all of it, or did you throw it away? " Mr Davenport asks. "Be honest." Chase was so engulfed in his project, he didn't notice him come in. Mr Davenport gives the trashcan a quick glance, checking whether there's food inside or not.
"I ate all, don't worry."



"The academy," Mr Davenport struggles to find the right words. "We need you to train them again."

This caught Chase completely of guard. Of course he knew he would have to go back to training,but thought it would be around two days after the funeral.

"I know it's soon, but Adam and Bree aren't holding om much longer. It definetly shows you have the most fighting technics, since you don't have superspeed or strength to rely on."

Lab rats Chase one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora