You're..... Smart...?

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Summary: Chase is a normal high school boy. He's just really smart. When Mr Davenport, Adam and Bree willingly reveal their hidden abilities, the world is more than okay with that. Mr Davenport decides to host a contest. You have to sign up and he'll pick one person who's allowed to follow them one day. They can even visit the lab. Chase is excited as hell as he picks up the phone, Mr Davenport on the other side of the line. He got picked.

No one's POV 

"Okay  guys get ready! Our guest is coming." Mr Davenport yells as he walks into the lab.

"Mr Davenport, who is our guest exactly?" Bree asks.

"A kid from your school, Chad or something," he responded.

"I don't know a Chad, you?"

"No Adam."


The door opens, the two siblings and their father put on their best smiles. Ready to put on the 'we are a family without any trouble' faces. The two bionics got tired even thinking of having to demonstrate their abilities for the rest of the day.

A young boy enters the secret basement, followed by Tasha. His eyes are wide, rapidly examining the room he just entered, before landing on the people standing right in front of him.

"Welcome to the DavenLab, Chad!" Mr Davenport says excitedly.

"It's Chase but thanks," the small boy says. Bree and Adam can't hide their grins.

Bree steps forward, "welcome Chase." He shakes her hand and then Adam fist bumps him.

"Anyways, Chase, could you five us a short introduction about yourself?" Mr Davenport breaks the rather akward silence.

"Uhm sure. My name is Chase, I was born in Boston and I'm am currently fifteen years old.

"Where do you live now?"

"A couple of blocks away, the orphanage," he says, not at all ashamed of it.

"Would you mind telling us why?" Bree asks as she can't restrain her curiosity.

"My parents died in a plane crash when I was five. I was put in an orphanage in Bosten, bit it closed after three years. Every kid in their was spread across the country and I end up here."
The three listeners nod their head in understanding.

"Let's start the tour shall we," Mr Davenport, again, breaks the awful silence.


"Well Chase, that was the tour. I hope you enjoyed." Chase syly nods his head, he had loved the experience and was deflated it was all over.

As Chase was about to make his way over to the exit, an alarm went of. The tree immediately took action, however, Chase did not know to find the way out on his own. Since Adam and Bree were already in their suits, they immediately sped off. Mr Davenport took his place behind the desk, leading them to their destination through the comms. Chase just stood there.

There was a fire at the other side of thethe city. Lives were at stake. The building was about to collapse, crushing multiple people. The two bionics arrived on the scene, Adam tried to hold the building up, without result. The blazing fire was still destroying what was left. Neither of them knew what to do.
Not even Mr Davenport.

Chase saw this. He took the spit next to Mr Davenport. Grabbing the microphone before giving instructions.

"Adam! Move more to the left. It's the only possible in which you can lift the building without breaking it in two. Bree! Move your arms in a circular direction. Creating small kind of wind tunnels. This should take the oxygen away and stop the fire. Be careful, if you go to slow, you'll cause an explosion."

Without hesitation, the two got to work.

It worked. The plan worked.

Bree sped Adam back to the lab, facing Mr Davenport and Chase.

"Well done!" Mr Davenport yells as he gives the two an high five. He then moves over to where Chase is standing, holding his hand up for a high five as well. "You did really good Chase."

From that day on, they trained Chase. He spend most of his time in the lab. He finally felt like he was actually wanted. Like he had a family.

It was his birthday today, he hadn't told anyone since he didn't want them to feel forced to buy him anything. He entered the lab, walking over to his desk. He wondered why there was no one down there, but let it go. He placed his stuff on his desk before nearly dying.

Bree and Adam jump from behind it, "happy birthday!" They yelled. Mr Davenport was behind him, popping a confetti canon.

"How did you know?" Chase asks, smiling widely.

"We googled you and found you in the orphanage archive." Bree shrugs.

"Ready for your present?!" That was Adam.

"Guys, you really didn't have to," Chase protests. But Mr Davenport shuts him up by pushing a envelope in his hands. Chase just stares at it.

"Come on, open it!" Bree chirps.

Chase hands open the envelope and slowly pull out the contents.

A folded paper.

He looks up to see Adam bursting from excitement.

He folds it open. It's an adoption letter. Mr Davenport his signature covering the line underneath the words. His name is on it. He adopted him... he really did.

"I know I should've asked, but I just couldn't wait any longer."

Chase just hugs him, the others joining in as well. He finally had a real family. He was now Chase Davenport, son of the famous Donald Davenport. Sibling of the two first bionic super humans. And most importantly, he was happy.

OMG!!! Almost 30K. Thank you guys so freaking much. I can't believe this!!!

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