Twenty Seven

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Twenty Seven


You guys had finally decided to take a much-needed break from all the walking- which had gone on for 40 minutes straight. On top of that, not only were the hills dangerously steep, but the fiery sun was viciously beaming down at you throughout the entire trip. The day had gotten so hot that you had actually considered taking your shirt off, but you didn't of course since you didn't have anything under it. But eventually, Itachi's gentleman instincts kicked in and he requested Pein that you all take a break to rest for a while. Reluctantly enough, the orange-haired male agreed.

"Let's sit in the shade," Itachi suggested, pointing towards a humongous tree.
"Sounds good," you agreed, taking slow steps towards the tree which was still quite some distance away.

You were so dehydrated. Extremely famished. And absolutely exhausted.

"You okay?" the long-haired Uchiha asked; his concerns were crystal clear in his tone.
"Let me," the boy interrupted you by picking you up, bridal style.
"Itachi, you must be tired too," you argued, feeling guilty. "Let me down."
"Nah," he replied as his smirk faltered.

His eyes wandered all around your face for a quick second, before looking back up to see where he was going. But that quick second was just enough for you to notice the strange look in his eyes.


As you all finally reached the shade, you remembered that you wanted to speak to Shisui about certain things. You had just been waiting for the right time, but he was never alone. He was always beside Karin or someone else if not her. Why was he always beside Karin anyways? Had he been so oblivious to the redhead's feelings for him?

"Karin please," you heard your favorite Uchiha's melodious voice.
"Shisui c'mon! Don't be so shy!" you heard the redhead plead.

You took in a deep breath as you forcefully refrained yourself from clenching your fists. You had no right to act in such a possessive way. You had no right.

"I gotta piss," Hidan yelled out for everyone to hear. "I'll be back."
"Me too!" Zetsu chimed in, following Hidan into the woods.
"Yes me too, excuse me," Itachi politely excused himself to follow the two other male figures.

Pein, Konan, Kakuzu, Sasori, Kisame, and Tayuya were all spread out on the floor, sitting on the grass. Meanwhile, you were sitting under the tree that Itachi had sweetly placed you under, alongside Deidara. And Shisui was standing up with Karin by his side, obviously.

"Y/N," Deidara's voice snapped you out of the Shisui-trance. "You thought about it yet?"

Honestly speaking, you hadn't gotten the chance to think about Deidara's little confession. But you really dreaded being the one to crush the enthusiastic blonde's hopes, especially since he was such a good friend to you. Yet, you couldn't just say yes out of pity, right?

"Deidara I-"

Your eyes began twitching once again as you saw the irritating, but all too familiar events unfold... This time, however, you couldn't look away.

Shisui and Karin.


"What is it? Huh?" Deidara urged, eagerly.
"You know what?" you answered, without giving it much thought. "I'd love to go on a date with you."
"Really?" he asked, a smile was now taking over his worried face. "Awesome!"

* * *

This was his chance. This was perhaps his only chance to right his wrongs and bring justice to Genma's lost soul. That young man was her best friend, wasn't he? It was quite painful for Kimimaro to think that Genma had put his life on the line to protect his best friend. And there was no way Kimimaro could let such a noble man leave this world, without paying him homage. Or at least fulfilling his last wish.

He took a deep breath before continuing on with his self-given mission. He kept in mind that his master would return in an hour or so, from the tailor's.

"I have to get fitted for my wedding suit," the master paused to smile at the thought. "And when I return, we shall pay a visit to Mr. Hanzo."

An hour. That's all he had.

He knew every inch of the mansion like the back of his hand, which is also why he knew that there was a section to the mansion that his master had never cared to show. Or perhaps, cared too much to reveal. Working for the government had allowed Kimimaro to notice even the smallest of details, and this detail was quite suspicious to him. He decided that he'd start his search from there on end.

He placed his hands on his hip, searching for something very valuable to him. Once his fingers met the hard, metal object where he'd securely placed it earlier, he continued to move forward towards the forbidden section of the mansion. His .22-caliber pistol was like the Robin to his Batman; it was all that he needed to give him that boost of confidence to carry on.

It was all that he needed to finally rebel against the monster that was Orochimaru.

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