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"Presidents Club? How elite," you commented, impressed but not entirely surprised.

Shisui looked just like the type to be involved in something like that.

"You should join, everyone will love you," he suggested, leading the way to your 5th period class.
"I'll think about it," you replied.
"Well this is it," he stated, stopping in front of a class. "English Literature with the boss."
"The boss?" you asked, slightly confused.
"My favorite teacher, Mr. Hatake," he replied proudly. "He's pretty cool and easy-going."

Just as Shisui said that, a voice called from the inside of the class.

"Shisui, get to class," the man's voice stated firmly.

A silver haired, tall man appeared in front of you two. He had a mask covering half his face, and he had a scar on one of his eyes. A germaphobe, perhaps?

"And you," the man said, now eyeing you. "Detention."

"What? Mr. Hatake it wasn't her fault, I was the one who made her late," Shisui explained, worry taking over his face.
"Well she's 40 seconds late," Mr. Hatake said stubbornly.

What the hell? Was this man serious? Cool and easy-going my ass.

"She's new. She couldn't have got here in time even if she tried to," Shisui defended you.
"It's best if you don't argue," Mr. Hatake said, giving him a smile. "You know I never change my mind."
"Alright," Shisui sighed, turning to face you. "I'm so sorry, I'll make it up to you. Okay?"
"Don't worry about it," you replied trying to comfort the poor guy. "It's my fault I was 40 seconds late."

You made sure to glare at the silver haired weasel when you said the last part. You then entered the class as you heard a soft chuckle from Mr. Hatake. However, you never glanced at him once for the rest of the period.

* * * 

The bell rang, meaning that the class had ended. You still couldn't get your mind off of how rude this Mr. Hatake guy was. Everyone else had been so kind and lenient, given the fact that it was not only the first day of school but you were completely new to the entire building. Except this guy. He seemed to have a stick up his ass, much like that Sasuke guy.

"Class is over," that annoying voice began to talk again. "You don't wanna be late to yet another class."
"Trust me, even if I was 40 seconds late, nobody would punish me for it," you retorted.

Who the hell did this guy think he was? You stood by the door for Shisui's arrival so you could finally go to your 6th period, Math.

"Oh I must've forgot to tell you, Shisui won't be coming," he stated casually.
"What? Why not?" you asked, beginning to lose your patience.
"I let his teacher know that he should be sent to his next class right away, instead of distracting my students," he replied.
"When did you do that?" you scoffed, not believing a word he said.
"During this period, which you would've known had you been paying attention to me," he replied, smirking.

You rolled your eyes, completely annoyed at this point.

"Well I won't be your student anymore once I drop this class," you argued, trying to leave the room.

But his hands grasped yours, stopping you from walking away any further.

"You will be doing no such thing," he said firmly.
"Let go Mr. Hatake," you winced, his grip was so strong it was hurting you.
"You understand me?" he asked, but it sounded much more like a demand.
"Fine, whatever," you said, trying not to show him that you weren't nearly as strong as you sounded.
"Good. I'll take you to your next class," he said with a smile. "Your teacher, Mr. Iruka Umino is my good pal."
"Oh, you have friends?" you asked sarcastically.
"Very funny," he replied.
"Shisui told me you were cool and easy-going," you began changing the topic. "That was a lie."
"Is he your boyfriend or something?" your english teacher suddenly asked. "Because I don't want my students to get distracted."
"No, not at all," you replied, not buying his lame excuse. "He's just been assigned to show me around."
"Oh good. Stay away from the boys," he stated seriously, then added a laugh. "What made you move here?"

You two talked as you made your way down the empty hallway with Mr. Hatake beside you, because 6th period had already begun. You could feel him glancing at you from time to time, but you pretended not to notice. You really hated to admit it, but it was no secret that this weasel was quite an attractive one.

Just like almost everyone in Konoha High.

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