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Your living room

You were sitting in your living room, completely bored out of your mind

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You were sitting in your living room, completely bored out of your mind. There was absolutely nothing left to do anymore but just sit. You had already prepared dinner for yourself, since your Dad never joined you. You had already figured out your outfit for tomorrow's hospital visit with Kakashi. You had also managed to clean your room, your closet and even going as far as cleaning the entire bathroom.

The house was spotless.

Now, what could you possibly do to kill all this time, you thought to yourself. Maybe you should give Genma a visit? You kind of wanted to check on him and see if he was still mad at you about last night's party. And not to mention, you also wanted to talk to him about his little confession from this morning.

You hopped up from your couch after deciding that visiting Genma would be the best way to kill some time. You grabbed your jacket and your house keys before quickly dashing out your house. You didn't bother driving there because you figured you had enough time to just walk. I mean if time was money, you'd undoubtedly be the richest woman on the face of the Earth.

* * *

It was a little chilly so your jacket came in quite handy. You checked the directions on your phone to be sure, then began your short journey to your best friend's house.

The Park

You walked and walked and came to the conclusion that you should've probably just drove

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You walked and walked and came to the conclusion that you should've probably just drove. His house was still 4 streets and one giant park away. That's right, you had to walk across what seemed to be the biggest park in the world, to finally get to Genma.

And once again, your wonderful luck didn't just stop there. You mumbled some absurd profanities as your clothes slowly began to drench due to the sudden pouring of the rain. Which for the record, came out of nowhere.

You began running through the park, passing by multiple trees along the way, which wasn't a very good idea considering the fact that there was wet and soggy mud just about everywhere. Just the perfect icing on the cake.

You ran and ran wondering how long it'd take you to get there until-

"Easy there."

You bumped into someone.

"So sorry, you okay?" you asked, out of breath from all the running.

You looked up to find a rather tall man standing over you. You couldn't help but notice his eyes.. they were so empty. Who was this unsual man?

"Alone and unattentive?" he asked with a devilish smirk. "That's not a good combination."

"The rain was getting in my eyes," you replied, taking slight offense to his words.

You got a bad feeling from him.

"The streets aren't safe, little girl," he stated, almost as if he was teasing you about your height.

It couldn't have been about your age. He looked older than you only by a couple years, for that matter.

"Nice meeting you and all but I have to get going," you excused yourself, trying to get away from this nuisance.

No reason to stand there in the rain, chatting with a man you didn't even know. Especially in the middle of an empty park.

"I'd love to see you go and all," he said, the smirk still plastered on his face. "But I can't let that happen."

"Uh.. okay. I'm leaving," you awkwardly replied, beginning to walk away.

But you were a little too late, since he had already grasped on to your wrists, showing little to no signs of letting you go.

"What the hell are you doing?" you asked, twisting your arms trying to slip out of his grip.

Who the hell did he think he was, trying to grab you in the middle of nowhere? You had gotten a bad feeling from him from the start, you should've just listened to your gut. Now what? Was he going to rape you in the middle of the park? Was he going to rob you and then kill you? What was he planning to do with you?

"Somebody wants to see you," was all he said, before dragging you along with him.

You pretended to give up and walk alongside him so he could let his guard down. And when he did, you'd make a run for it. That was the plan.

"Can you at least tell me what you're planning to do?" you asked, keeping your eyes on the pale man.

"Hmm.." he thought for a while. "No."

"Alright, what about where we're going?"


"Fine. What can you tell me?"

"My name, I guess."

"Okay.. what's your name?"


Kimimaro? That didn't sound familiar at all.

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