Fun Facts

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1. When I first started drafting the story, Nathan's name was actually going to be Malcolm, but after I started writing I thought Nathan and Mason sounded more complementary as twin names.

2. Jonah and Mae didn't exist originally. Sam was going to be an only child living with his parents and he needed to get a job because his parents couldn't afford to send him to college.

3. Miles was going to be Jonah and Mae's newborn baby, but I changed it so he was older.

4. Originally, Bella was going to end up with Nathan.

5. After I came up with the idea of Sam's mom being in prison, it was going to be for killing someone in a drunk driving accident, but I wanted the crime to be something more redeemable.

6. The Knights were going to win the championship at first.

7. Christo was going to be very minor and not find out about Sam and Mason until later when everyone else did.

8. Knight wasn't supposed to be the title of the book. I just put it as a placeholder until I thought of something else and I never did.

9. Bella's dream about the bees attaching themselves to her is a dream I actually had.

10. I drafted almost this entire story before publishing anything. It took me a little less than a year to finish drafting before I started posting it.

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