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Mason Maloney

Jonah didn't say anything as I sobbed in the passenger's seat of his car. I tried to quiet my cries, but every time I tried, a louder sob would rip through my throat. I could feel his eyes travel to me briefly as he drove toward my house, but he still didn't say anything, not that I expected him to.

I didn't notice the car had stopped and we reached my house until Jonah placed his hand on my shoulder. I looked at him through my stinging eyes while he gave me an unreadable expression.

"Whatever it is, I hope you two can work it out," Jonah encouraged kindly.

I gulped and took a deep breath. Of course, he had no idea exactly what his brother had done to me. He thought our relationship was genuine.

"We can't," I rasped, shaking my head and looking down at my lap.

We were silent for a few moments before I gazed through the window to see that the downstairs lights were on in my house and our car was parked in its rightful spot in the driveway. I sighed, knowing I wasn't ready to face Nathan yet.

"Thanks for the ride," I mumbled, opening the door and beginning to step out of the car.

"Mason," Jonah stopped me. I waited for him to continue as I stood outside the car with the door open. "I don't know what Sam did, but I do know that he's crazy about you. Please know that."

I nodded, not being able to find the words to respond. Since knowing Jonah, I had never seen him look so concerned. He never bothered much with me while I was dating Sam, but as I cried in his car he spoke more words to me than I had ever heard him say to anyone. I waved to him before trudging up to my house, hoping I could get into my room before running into Nathan.

Luck was obviously not on my side and that was evident when Nathan opened the front door with a deep frown on his face and his eyes narrowed in a scowl before my hand even had a chance to touch the doorknob.

I quickly pushed past my brother and headed toward the stairs, but of course, he had to stop me.

"You're really not going to say anything?" Nathan hissed, grabbing my shoulder and turning me around.

There was no concern found in Nathan's expression, just anger. It didn't matter to him that I looked broken, that I was visibly upset. He was more concerned about his own stupid rivalry with Sam.

"What were you thinking?" Nathan's voiced thundered and echoed throughout the house. "He was your mystery guy? Sam Knight? Are you that fucking stupid?"

I shoved him off of me angrily. After the night I had, I already felt stupid enough. I didn't need Nathan to throw my stupidity and my failed relationship in my face. I was sure my expression matched my twin's furious one at this point.

"Yeah, apparently I am!" I seethed, my fists forming at my sides.

Nathan let out a frustrated huff, placing his hands on his hips and shaking his head. His frown grew more prominent, looking as if it was going to become a permanent fixture on his face.

"What did you think was going to happen?" Nathan bellowed, throwing his hands up in the air before bringing them back down to pull at his hair. "Did you really think he was going to love you?"

I stayed silent, my heart seeming absent in my chest.

"God, Mase. You're so selfish!" Nathan screamed.

That was what made me crack.

"I'm selfish?" I sneered, letting out a humorless laugh. "I'm selfish? You're the selfish one! You think everything is about you! Do you think I did this to hurt you? Do you think all of my decisions based on you?"

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