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Mason Maloney

I had always been cursed with killer hangovers. The first time I had gotten drunk, which was my freshman year of high school, I had really overdone it. Without ever having a drink before, I drank way too much too quickly and ended up blackout drunk within an hour. The hangover I suffered the next day legitimately made me feel like I was dying. Nathan had to make up some excuse for me to make sure my parents didn't know I had been drinking. Ever since then, I had always tried to pace myself better.

The hangover I was suffering from today was nowhere near the caliber of my first one, but that didn't mean it was pleasant. I was glad to have the afternoon shift today, rather than the morning one, so I could sleep in longer.

Sam stood at the register, talking to a customer, while I leaned my pounding head against the cold, glass pastry case as I glared at the back of his head. We had just gotten through a rush and as soon as this last customer left, the two of us would be alone. We hadn't been alone all day, the two of us not having spoken a word to each other.

"Can you stop with the death glare?" Sam tore me from my thoughts.

I hadn't even realized the customer he was with had left. Sam was now turned around, facing me and leaning against the counter. I couldn't stop myself from glaring at him due to the knowledge I had of him and Bella.

"I'm not happy with you," I mumbled quietly, fearing that if I spoke any louder my head would explode.

"Excuse me?"

"You and I are barely on speaking terms and then you choose to hook up with one of my best friends. Really?" I said louder this time, my head throbbing with each word.

"That's none of your business," Sam growled angrily.

"It is when I know you're going to hurt her," I replied instantly, not daring to take a step forward in fear that any motion would cause me to vomit.

"Bella knows not to expect anything from me," he told me. "So mind your own business.

I closed my eyes in annoyance and rested my face against the cold glass of the cabinet. It was obvious that I was in no shape to work, but I didn't want to call out and leave Sam here all by himself, though I was sure he wouldn't think twice about doing that to me.

"You should just go," he said. "You look like shit."

I felt like it too.

I opened my eyes to see Sam giving me a look of disgust. It made me want to shrivel up and hide myself from him out of shame. I couldn't understand what had changed his opinion of me. Why had something Nathan did make Sam hate me?

It was then that I realized I missed the old Sam, the one that was tolerable. The two of us weren't friends, but it had felt like we were on our way there. He used to be intriguing and easy to be around, but a switch flipped in him and he was unrecognizable. This Sam was harsh and unwelcoming and I didn't like it one bit.

"Thanks for the concern," I choked out weakly, doubling over slightly.

"You did this to yourself," Sam pointed out harshly.

My head was pounding and I was starting to feel dizzy, but I was still planted in the spot I had been for the last few minutes. I slowly slid down the side of the cabinet to sit myself on the floor. I groaned as the movement made my stomach feel queasy.

"I'm just going to rest here," I muttered sadly.

My stomach lurched in pain, causing me to cry out in agony. I hugged my knees to my chest as I tried to hold myself together. I just wanted to cry, but I wouldn't ever let myself do that in front of Sam. Not since he had become so distant.

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