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When I awake, I'm tied to the bed. My stomach is on fire, and I can't move.

"Taylor?" I cry out.

The door opens, and Jenny walks in with a bowl of oatmeal and some water.

"Please untie me Jenny, please?" I beg.

"I can't do that honey, but I was told I'm allowed to feed you and check up on you." She tells me.

She holds the cup of water up to my lips, and I greedily drink from it.

"Do you ever think about leaving?" I ask.

"Not anymore. My old life wasn't exactly fun. I was with an alcoholic who constantly cheated on me and got his mistress pregnant, and my parents both perished in a fire so I had nobody." Jenny explains.

"My parents tried to place me in a mental institution." I tell Jenny.

"Why? You seem perfectly sane to me." She asks.

"Compared to those guys? Probably." I mumble.

She chuckles and shakes her head.

"You'll see how good they can be. 22 years later, Noah has provided me with three beautiful sons and a loving marriage. I wouldn't have had that on the outside." Jenny says.

"You never know. I had friends out there. A life I enjoyed." I respond.

She continues feeding me in silence, then leaves. Before closing the door, she turns to me.

"Emmie, please don't give Taylor a hard time today. He's a good man.. and he has a difficult time adjusting to new things." She pleads.

I drift off to sleep shortly after she leaves. When I wake up again, it's dark out and I can hear the door opening and someone running up the steps. The bedroom door opens again.

"Taylor?" I croak.

"Hi sweetheart. How are you today?" He asks.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I should have been more respectful." I say.

He leans over and begins untying me. I sit up and hug him.

"Dinner is ready whenever you want to eat, but I think we should clean you up first. That wound is pretty deep.'" Taylor says.

He gently carries me to the bathroom, and places me in the tub. The water stung so bad against my wounds, but Taylor was so gentle with me that I barely noticed. When we were done, we headed downstairs.

"Good to see you, Emmie. I hope your attitude has changed." Noah says.

"Thank you.." I mumble.

"How was work today, boys?" Jenny asks.

My hand flies up to my mouth. We weren't supposed to be asking questions.

"It was good today sweetheart, we caught another one today, so we'll be well stocked." Noah tells her.

"Another one?" I question.

"Emmie, no questions." Taylor snaps.

Noah and Gabe glance at each other, then to Taylor.

"Taylor, Gabe, we need to talk." Noah says.

They all stand up and head to the living room. I can't hear anything they say.

"Is the food good?" Lindsay asks.

"Yes. You two did great tonight. I'm sorry I couldn't help." I say.

"Thank you. How are you feeling?" Jenny asks.

"I'm sore.. but, I'm ok." I say.

"It gets better. It really does." Lindsay tells me.

"I don't know about all that, but thank you anyway. Do you know what they're talking about in there?" I ask.

"No clue." Jenny says.

The guys walk back in, and Taylor plants a kiss on my cheek.

"Get upstairs please, I need to talk to you. I'll clean all this up later." He whispers in my ear.

I head up the stairs with him trailing behind me. When we get to our room, he sits us down on the bed and begins moving strands of hair out of my face.

"Emmie, you know we love you. Right?" He asks.

I gulp and shake my head. Were they going to kill me?

"Say it."

"I know you love me."

"Good. So.. remember those people from yesterday?" He asks.

"Yes." I say.

"They were in the stew tonight." He says.

I get hysterical then. Laughing, at first.

"You're joking, right? Like, where are the camera's? Come on guys, I'm not that stupid. There's no way all of this is real." I say.

When he doesn't laugh with me, I realize he isn't joking.

"Oh my God.. no.. no no no, I am not a cannibal! That's so messed up!" I yell.

"Emmie please, calm down. They were going to hurt you." He insists.

"They were not! They probably only needed help and you let them down! What about their families? Their friends? Did you ever stop to consider that!?" I shriek.

He pulls out the needle and once again, I'm in the darkness.

This Is Tradition: Emmie's story (Kidnapped By Cannibals Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz