First Meal

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We walk downstairs, and I notice Jenny and Lindsay in the kitchen. There was a small crib in the corner, with a baby no older than 6 months in it.

"Emmie, I'm gonna go outside with dad and Gabe. You stay here with Lindsay and Mom. I love you." Taylor says.

I stare at the ground, and wait for him to leave, but he grabs the back of my head and plants a kiss on my lips.

"I said I love you." He growls.

"Thank you." I whisper.

This satisfies him, and he walks outside. Shortly after, I try the knob, only to find that it's locked.

"Sweetie, sit down. Let me make you some tea." Jenny says.

"I need to get out of here." I tell them.

"But it's really not that bad here, Emmie. I promise. The boys are doing what they need to so we can stay safe." Lindsay says.

"How can you say that?! They're freaks! They kidnapped us! We do not belong here!" I yell.

Lindsay flinches, then turns to the baby, who was now crying. I felt bad, instantly.

"Emmie, this is mine and Gabe's son, Jared. Would you like to hold him?" She asks.

"I'm not good with babies. I just want to go home." I say.

"This IS your home." Jenny insists.

"No, it isn't. I can't be bound, I'm a free spirit." I tell her.

She gives me a sad look, then turns back to the dish she was scrubbing. Lindsay gives Jared a bottle and begins to feed him.

"I was like you." Lindsay finally says.

"Obviously not if you're still here." I snap.

"You may think that now, but once you adjust, you'll love it here. I was terrified the first few weeks. I mean, who wouldn't be? Then Gabe showed me this was where I belong." She explains.

"Do you even hear yourself? Do you honestly think what they're doing is normal?" I question.

"It's tradition. Are you telling me you didn't have any traditions, Emmie? You said you are a free spirit. I'm sure you did all sorts of weird traditions." Jenny pipes up.

Traditions can't be broken, dear one. You never broke yours for your family.

The voice of helplessness spoke up, and I sigh.

"Look, I get it. But I don't like it." I say.

"You'll grow to. Would you mind helping us with dinner? The potatoes need to be peeled. Lindsay already cut up the vegetables, I'm preparing the meat." Jenny says.

Together, we work to prepare a meal. The kitchen smelled heavenly as the boys walked in, and I realized how hungry I was.

"Hi baby." Taylor walks over to me, and presses his lips to mine.

"How was your first day?" He asks, grinning.

I stare past him at the wall. If I had to look at him, it all seemed too real.

"It was fine." I decide to say.

"Good." He murmurs.

The men sit while we serve them, then ourselves. Already I could tell this was going to get old.

"So, what was your birth family like?" Taylor asks.

"They were... strict. My mom was an alcoholic, and my dad was never really around much. But they were always so strict about what I did." I explain.

"We don't drink alcohol around here, and we're usually always home so you won't ever be alone." Taylor says, trying to sound reassuring.

"Is there any chance I can get out and get some fresh air?" I ask.

"No asking questions, Emmie and the answer is no, because we know you're going to run off." Noah says sternly.

"She did a great job helping me cook, boys. You picked a wonderful woman, Noah." Jenny says.

"Only the best for my boy." Noah grins at her.

I feel the heat rush to my face and a grin on my lips.

"Thank you." I say.

"Do you like cooking?" Taylor asks.

"I don't think I'm very good at it." I tell him.

"I'm sure Mom and Linds here can teach you." Gabe chimes in.

When everyone was finished eating, Jenny and Lindsay instructed me to grab the plates and help clean up, but Taylor took me by the arm instead and lead me up to our bedroom.

This Is Tradition: Emmie's story (Kidnapped By Cannibals Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now