Intransigent | 4

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Chapter 4

Emma's POV

I groaned, rubbing my eyes and sighing. It was so cold in here. Where are my blankets? I wondered, reaching around me. My hands only encountered cold, hard concrete and my eyes flew open.

I was in a dark concrete jail cell with silver-plated, steel bars. There was a tiny window, way up by the ceiling, also containing silver-plated steel bars. Nothing else was in the room. No bed, no toilet, nothing. Looking down, I realized that I was dressed in a red sundress that definitely wasn't mine. I tried to recall what had happened.

Lisa and her friends had asked me to play tag with them in the woods. She had been chasing me when I ran into-oh god. Rogues. My parents are probably freaking out! I was kidnapped and I don't know who by or why.

I tried reaching them with the pack link, but I couldn't. Something was blocking it and I couldn't get through to anyone in my pack. I tried my parents, Ben, Will, Ally, and everyone else. None of them worked.

I could feel Mel, but she was weak. Mel, are you okay? I asked her.

Weak, she whispered. Can't...connect...pack.

"Shit," I mumbled. She was too weak to help me. I was going to have to figure out a way to escape without her help. I needed to know where I was and why I was here. They had to come down and talk to me sometime.

Standing, I walked over to the bars. I reached out a cautious hand and touched the bar with my finger. I grimaced, pulling my hand back when the metal burned my hand.

"You can't break them." The voice was deep, rough and came from my right side. I spun around to see a guy a little older than me in the cell next to me. "Trust me, I've tried,"

"Who are you?" I asked of him. He was a few inches taller than me, putting him somewhere a little over six feet, his hair was a dirty blonde, more dirty than blonde, and his face was chiseled and bruised. His eyes were a stormy gray, but they looked at me with compassion.

"Rick," he replied. "I'm from the Moon Dance Pack."

"Emma," I told him. "From the Falling Star Pack."

He raised his eyebrows, seemingly impressed. "I've heard of your pack. Probably lies, though. The rumors seem too good to be true."

I cocked my head to the side. "What are the rumors?" I asked.

"That your pack has alphas that are more like family than leaders. They treat their omegas with kindness and respect. Their daughter is one of the strongest female wolves there are. More of the same." He listed the facts as if they were fairy tales, not the truth.

"Hmm," I hummed, pretending to think. "Well, I can assure you that they're all true, although I don't know if I'm actually the strongest female wolf there is."

His eyes widened. "You're the daughter of the Falling Star Alpha?" he asked me in shock and disbelief.

Before I could answer another voice cut me off, making Rick's face harden and me spin around to face the bars of my cell. "She most certainly is," the voice purred, evil and sinister.

I pulled my shoulders back, standing tall and staring this man in the eyes. He was tall, lean and had scars running down his arms and one across his face. His eyes were black and he radiated the power of an alpha, but I didn't back down. I had alpha blood also and I wouldn't let him break me. "What do you want with me?" I asked him, my voice strong and steady.

He looked me up and down closely, appraising me. "Straight to the point," he mused, seeming entertained. "I'll reciprocate. I brought you here so that you could mate with my son."

My jaw dropped. "Excuse me?!" I exclaimed. He couldn't be serious. "You've got to be kidding!"

He smiled slightly, shaking his head, no. "Would you like to meet him?"

I glared at him. "No, I would like to go home. My answer is no, I will not mate with your son."

Dropping his friendly act, he glared right back at me. "You will," he ordered through clenched teeth, his hands fisting and un-fisting at his sides as he tried to control his temper.

I bared my teeth in an aggressive smile. "You can't make me," I told him, voice determined and triumphant. It was true. His son wouldn't be able to mark me without my wolf's and my consent. Oh, he could try, but the bite mark would simply heal without leaving a mark. Only a true mate could mark you without consent, and that rarely happened, because when a wolf meets her true mate, she almost always gives consent right away. The male wolf normally marks the female when they lay eyes on each other, the rest of the mating waiting until they're both ready.

"Jeremy!" he growled. A dark haired, sullen boy traipsed down the stairs. He was almost identical to his father, but he had fewer scars. He eyed me like a piece of meat, looking me up and down, focusing on my chest for much longer than the rest of me. I glared at him.

"She will do," he told his dad after another moment.

"I will not mate with you, you vile asshat!" I exclaimed. "It's not my fault that you're too disgusting to find your true mate."

He glared at me, growling slightly. "You will mate with me and you will like it!" he snarled, licking his lips and giving me another look over. I shivered in disgust.

"You will mate with him," his dad echoed. "I will make sure of it."

I raised my chin defiantly and stared him in the eyes. "I will not mate with him. No matter what you do, you cannot make me accept him."

He gave me a cold and vicious smile. "Are you so sure about that?" he asked me. I could tell by his voice he had a plan, and I only hoped he hadn't captured one of the little girls I'd been playing tag with. I would do anything to keep them safe.

Not wanting to give that away, I simply looked at him and nodded once. "Yes, I am sure."

He snapped his fingers and two big, burly men walked down the stairs. They were covered in scars and they smiled very evil smiles when they saw me. "Yes, alpha?" they chorused.

The alpha looked at me in question once more and I stubbornly shook my head. These men didn't make a difference. I was not mating with his vile son.

He looked back at the men. "You may do whatever you wish with her, only two rules. One: she remains alive. You can take her to the brink of death, but she will stay alive, or you will die in the worst way I can think of. Two: keep your dicks to yourselves. You can play with her all you want as long as you keep it in your pants. Her first time will be with Jeremy. However you want to prepare her for that first time is up to you."

I gulped. This was not a good situation at all. He didn't have the girls, for which I was relieved, but fear quickly overwhelmed me as I looked at the guards. They looked over at me with leering smiles, eyeing me up and down, anticipation in their eyes.

The alpha looked back at me once more. "This is your last chance," he warned me. "I won't be back to ask again for a couple more days. Who knows what these two will do to you in the mean time." He stared at me, victory in his eyes, thinking that he'd won with only a threat.

I took a deep breath and pulled together every ounce of courage in my body before replying as strongly as I was able, "Do your worst."

He glared at me before storming up the stairs with his son in tow, leaving me alone with the two men eyeing me like I was the last piece of candy on Halloween.

I wanted so badly to step back, but that would only show fear, something I would not do. I wordlessly shook my head again. I would not be forced into mating anyone other than my true mate. I only knew one thing. I would not let them break me. No matter what they did.

~~~*~~~Author's Note~~~*~~~

So what do you guys think of the new cover? Do you like it better than the old one?


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