Parting Comments

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First off, I would like to thank everyone for reading and being patient. The updates for this story were pretty crazy compared to my other stories and I apologize for that. I hit a lot more writer's block in this story than my others, but you were all awesome for sticking it out with me. I'm amazed by all of you amazing people for reading my stories and leaving feedback. I love all of you.

Second, no, you were not imagining that crazy epilogue that more than hinted at a sequel. I will be writing a second book to Intransigent. I do not know what the title will be yet, nor do I have a cover ready. All I can tell you at this point is that the story will be centered around Adrianna and her mate, and that, as the epilogue pointed out, the egotistical Matthew will be making a reappearance.

I am sorry to announce that it may be a while before you see the sequel, though. I need to solidify the plot line, come up with a title and cover, and get it started before I start posting. I can assure you, though, that I will post the cover, synopsis and maybe even an excerpt, both here and in my future books book, when I get it around for you :)

Thank you again for sticking with me through this long journey for Emma and Ashton and I hope you're all excited to see where life takes Adrianna :) You're support means everything to me and I'm so thankful for such faithful readers.

Until Next Time,


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