Intransigent | 30

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Chapter 30

    I was amazed as I watched Emma with Rodney.  I shouldn't have been-I knew that she was good with children-but I still was.  He wouldn't leave her side the entire time we were at her parents.  She had a hard time even getting him to sit in the chair next to her when we sat down for breakfast.

    You could tell that he was still scared of what he'd done and that he needed reassurance.  It had taken a lot of courage for him to leave his father, especially taking his infant sister with him.  Max was going to be pissed. 

    I was proud of the little guy.  He'd not only seen how horribly Emma was being treated and helped her and Rick escape, but he'd left his father and taken on a huge responsibility taking a baby with him while he did it.  I never imagined that a little boy would be able to do that.

    I had a strong suspicion that it was just something about Emma.  She was a wonderful Luna and she made everyone she met feel safe and cared about, no matter how long their interaction was.  I had no doubt that Rodney wouldn't have left his father if he hadn't known that Emma would welcome him with open arms.

    He watched her with awe.  He knew that she would protect him.  I knew that I couldn't have a more perfect mate.  She was the best-person, mate and Luna.  She was truly a remarkable person and there wasn't a word to describe how happy I was to call her mine.

    When breakfast was over, Emma picked Adrianna up and cradled her in one arm, taking Rodney's hand in her free one.  We hugged her parents and headed out to the car. 

    "Hop up in the booster seat while I put Adrianna in her car seat," Emma instructed Rodney.  "I'll come back to your side to make sure you're buckled properly when I get her settled."

    "I can buckle myself!" Rodney replied indignantly, but you could see the pleased flush in his face.  He probably hadn't had anyone care about his safety before.

    "Of course you can," Emma replied with a grin, dropping a quick kiss on the top of his head before walking around to her side of the car.  "I'm just paranoid," she continued.  "I want to make sure that you're completely safe or I don't feel good inside."

    Rodney nodded as if this made perfect sense and I grinned as I waited by Emma's door until she had both of the kids safely belted into the car, opening it when she came my way.

    She kissed me sweetly in thanks and sank into her seat.  I closed the door softly and made my way over to her side.  I was eager to get back to the house and finalize the plans.  If everything continued according to plan, we could attack Max's pack in the middle of next week and all of this could be over.

    And I was ready for it to be over.  Max was going to be on a rampage with Rodney and Adrianna missing; it would be better to get this over with sooner rather than later.

    I drove us most of the way home before stopping at a grocery store about twenty minutes from the pack house.  Rodney was practically bouncing in his seat as I parked the car and Emma's smile as she watched him was radiant.

    I opened her door for her and then stood back and watched as she pulled Adrianna carefully from her car seat.  My eyes widened as she handed her to me and she laughed at me.

    "Just cradle her, Ashton," she chuckled.  "Babies don't bite."

    I rolled my eyes at her and tucked the little girl into the crook of my arm as Rodney grabbed Emma's hand and started pulling her into the store, Emma laughing the entire way.  I couldn't help my smile as I followed along behind them.

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