Chapter 3

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"ICE BLIZZARD" i summons a huge ice blizzard to froze him but strangely it didn't work "What?!, how come it didn't work?" He  chuckles

"I'm a fire user kid, ice attacks won't work on me" with that he run with full speed towards me "FIRE PUNCH" his fist then turn into an fire fist

"Crap!!, ICE SHIELD" his fist then hits me and makes me fly away and hit the wall, if i was just a second late i would've probably lose the match, then the ice shield dissapeared from my hand and then i charge towards him "ICE FIST" my hand turns into an ice fist and punch hin right in the face making him hit the wall

"You're one good opponent kid" his body suddenly turns into flame "but not good enough to beat me, FIRE WHEEL" suddenly Jordan's body turns into fire and then he jump up high and spin like a wheel then dash towards me like an meteor, luckily i can dodge his attack making him hit the ground but he keeps on spinning making an hole on the ground 'i musn't let my guard down, who knows where he will pop out' suddenly the ground start shaking and Jordan pops out right above me, he hit me with his fire wheel attack sending me up to the sky, suddenly he was above me

"Shit, his fast!!"

"FIRE FIST" the attack hit me right in the stomach sending me back to the ground hard "you better give up now kid" 'no i musn't give up, i must focus all of my power on one point this is gonna be my finall attack to finish him, more, more, MORE!!!' All of my power have been focused on one point, i must hit him or i will lose

"ICE BEAM" i shooted him whit an ice beam and it hit hik directly at his body making it frozen solid

"This kid never learn. WHAT THE!!, why can't i melted this ice!?" Jordan asks with an shock tone

"That is a special ice that's hard to be melted, it was an attack that my dad teach me" i start walking towards him "now it's time to end you" Jordan begins to struggle trying to break the ice "it's no use, Summoning Weapon: Ice Scythe"

"That is a special ice that's hard to be melted, it was an attack that my dad teach me" i start walking towards him "now it's time to end you" Jordan begins to struggle trying to break the ice "it's no use, Summoning Weapon: Ice Scythe"

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(Zack's Scythe)

"ICE SLASH" i swing the scythe and slash the ice making it shatered into pieces making Jordan fall to the ground unconscious then the scythe began to fade and then disappered.

"The winner of round 2 is Zack!!" All the people start to cheer and then the green light shine towards us making qll of our wounds disappered "the final round will start in a half an hour, don't miss it" as tge refeery says all the people start to leave

"Nice battle" Luke said

"Thanks, but i won't go easy on you"

"Me neither"

"Come on let's go get some food already, i'm starving" Noah said as he grabs both of our shirt and drag us to the cafetaria, when we arrive at the cafetaria we immediately get in the line of peoples. I just grab a spagheti and a glass of water while Noah grabs a steak,  two slice of pizza, a glass of milk, and a burger

"Are you really serious eating that much!?" I asks and he just chuckles

"Yep, where do you think this beautiful body come from?" I just roll my eyes, we both look at Luke and he takes a slice of cake, chocolate milk and french fries. We both just stare at him

"I like sweets okay? Don't judge me" we both begins to laugh as Luke said that, we take our seats and start to eat. When we're done eating we suddenly heard a bunch of girls screaming and then we all run as fast as possible to the place they are

"Whats wrong?" Luke asks as me and Noah was catching our breath

"Look" one of the girls pointed at 4 beastmans, it was a husky, dragon, wolf and a german sheperd.

"Who are they?" I asks, Noah and Luke look at me with a surprised look

"You don't know them!?" Noah asks with a surprised tone

"No i don't, who are they anyway?"

"They are the most powerful student here and the gurdians of the city also they are the most handsome and hottest guy on school" Luke explains and i nod my head

They all walk past me and i can saw all of them keeps on staring at me as they walk past me.

"The finall battle will begin in 5 minute, thank you." The refeery said  from the speaker

"That's our sign, let's go" Luke said and i nod my head and we start walking to the arena.

"The finnal battle between Zack and Luke will begin" we both shake our hands and take our battle stand "let the match, BEGIN!!"

I dash toward Luke and jump up high "ICE PUNCH" i tried to hit Luke with my attack byt he moved with lightning and can easily dodge it, instead of hitting i hit the ground making a huge hole "damn his fast" i said beeing annoyed 'i know i just have to slow down his movement' i said in my mind "ICE BLIZZARD" i make a huge ice blizzard hopeing to slow him down. When i saw that his foot was trapped on an ice i know that this is the right time to attack "ICE NEDLES" then hundreds of nedles appear and serounds him then dash toward him

"Heh, that won't work on me, THUNDER WAVE" suddenly all of the ice nedles shatered into pieces, i tried to move but my body won't work it was like my body just stoped working

"What!!!, but how?" I said surprised

"Thunder wave isn't an attack that only can break glass or ice, it also can be used to paralyzed my enemies" Luke put up his hand and i know what his gonna do "i summon the great power of the god of thunder, lend me your strength" a lightning then hit him and he absorbed the lighting "ZEUS WRATH" he shoots a huge thunder shock at me and it hit me directly. Pain start running all over my body as the attack hit me and i layed on the ground with all part of my body paralyzed. 'I think i've lost, i'm so weak not like you dad, you are feared by everyone and everyone even said that you are the most powerful ice user. While me, i'm just a failure, the only memory i have of you is this scythe i even don't deserve this scythe, i'm sorry dad'. Wait, i can't just give up now, if dad was here he wouldn't want to see me lose on my first day, i must keep fighting

"Zack is down and the winner of the first round is Lu- huh?" The refeery was cut off by me standing again "AMAZING!!!, even after beeing hit by that attack Zack is still standing up"

"I'm impress that you can still stand up after that attack" Luke said with a smile

"Heh, thanks that is onr powerful attack" i said

"Thanks but i have to end this now" Luke move super fast and was suddenly infront of me "THUNDER PUNCH" he punched me making me fly up to the sky and then he disappered again but he suddenly appears infront of me "this attack will end you"

"I got you know" i said with a smirk


"ICE BEAM" i shoot  with an ice beam attack and it hit him directly making him frozen solid "Summoning Ice Weapon: Ice Scyhte" my scythe then appears "ICE SLASH" i swing the ice scyhte and cut the ice making it shatered into pieces and Luke was one the ground unconscious

"LUKE IS DOWN AND THE WINNER OF THE FINALL ROUND IS ZACK!!!" All the students start cheering as i just stand there panting, then the light from the arena shine towards us healing all of our wounds, when all of our wounds disappered Luke start to stand up and he walks toward me

"Nice battle" Luke said offering his hand for a hand shake

"You too" we both shake hands

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