Chapter 27

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Chris's POV

"GAAAHHH!!" The spider lady slashed one of the buildings into two "come out little boy, i promise I will give you a painless death~" she chuckled

"If we don't do something she'll destroy the whole city!" Drago said as tried to break free from the cocoon "lemme try this" Drago blasted a flamethrower from his mount to the cocoon but there was barely a scratch "what the hell! What is this thing even made off?" He growled, we all then saw the spider lady walking back towards us

"It looks like your friend have ran away" she laughed "and here I thought the guardians of this place would be a challenge but they all are just some weak teenagers" she smirks

"Shut your mouth you bitch!" Khai growls

"Oooohh feisty, i like it~" she chuckles as she puts her finger on Khai's face and slides it down his face "i'll sure enjoy torturing those handsome faces of yours~" she licks her lips and lets out a demonic laugh "but this one.." she looks at Zack "i hate humans, they make me sick. There won't be any pleasure torturing you so i guess i'll just kill you right now" she chuckles and all of our eyes go wide. She slowly walks backwards and once she is far enough she stopped, she then pulls out spider webs from her mouth and forms it into a bow and four arrows, she puts the arrows on the bow and pulls the string "it's such a shame i have to kill you four, you could've entertain me more~" she giggles "bye bye~" with that she then lets go the string and shoot the arrows, the arrows moves with high speed towards us, we all closed our eyes ready for the impact.

Arachne's POV

I watched as the arrows flies towards them, such a shame to kill those handsome faces, but oh well, orders are orders. Now that's left is to kill that other o-

"WIND VORTEX" a barrier of wind suddenly appears and surrounds those four and bounced all of my arrows. The barrier then slowly disappeared and the last member of those brats was standing in front of them

"So you finally showed up, i was getting tired of waiting"

"Don't you dare lay a single finger on my friends!"

Chris's POV

"And what are you gonna do? Blow my hair?" She giggles "babies, you know what to do~" as she said that the spiders then starts crawling towards Tyler, but as soon as they got close to him they all suddenly get cuts into little pieces "my babies! How dare you, you'll pay for that!" She growls, she then takes a deep breath and let out a loud screech, all the glasses around us started breaking one buy one. She then stopped and the ground suddenly started shaking, we then heard loud footsteps

"I have a bad feeling about this..." Zack said, then 4 giant spiders starts coming and this spiders are the largest of them all, they all immediately surround Tyler

"I'll give you a chance, do you want the easy way or the hard way?" She asks but Tyler remain silent "fine...babie, tear his body to pieces!" With that the spiders let out a loud roar and then they all jumps towards him

"TYLER WATCH OUT!!" As the spiders was about to attack him suddenly they all was sliced into two pieces, we all gasp and our eyes go wide as we all saw what he was holding

"No way.... that's the Axe of Destruction, one of the legendary weapons!" I said with shock and the others have the same reaction as i do

"Woah.. so cool!" Zack said with sparkling eyes

"So what? Arachne growled "you having a new weapon won't change a thing!" She shoot poisonous acid but Tyler manage to dodge it "stop moving!" She shot a long rope of web and swings it, cutting everything on its way but he jumps and dodges her attack again "you can't escape now!" She shoots more of her poisons as Tyler was still on the air "how you supposed to dodge that now?~" she chuckled but as soon as she was about to celebrate her victory Tyler suddenly disappeared "what the! Where did he go?!" She turns to every direction while readying poisons in her mouth, Tyler then suddenly appears behind her "SHI-!" With a swing from his axe, he slashed her, cutting her into two pieces "this...can not...b-be!" Her body slowly turns into ashes and then disappears blown by the wind, as she disappears the spider webs and spiders starts disappearing and dying too, we all are finally free from the cocoon and falls on our feet

"Finally free!" Drago said while stretching his body and wings

"I was starting to get tired of those spiders" Khai groans and we all chuckled, our attentions were immediately locked into Tyler, we immediately runs towards him

"Nice job buddy!" Khai congratulates him by giving him a slap on the back hard with a toothy grin

"That was so cool!" Zack said with sparkling eyes and me and Drago nods our head

"Oh god!" Tyler let out a loud gasp "'s over" he let out a sigh of relief "and i think i've finally got over my fear of spiders"

"Really? There's one on your feet right now" Khai said pointing down

"WHERE?!?" Tyler jumps and holds into Zack tightly

"T-Tyler...y-you're too...h-heavy!!" They both then falls on the ground together

"Yeah i think not" Khai chuckled and we all laughs.

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