Chapter 31

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Zack's POV

"WATER SAUCERS" Chris creates disc of waters and the discs then starts spinning, he launches all of it and cuts all of the giant roots "take that!" But as soon as they were cutted, they immediately regenerate "what the!?" Suddenly another big root appears behind him and slams him to a building

"WIND SLICER" Tyler swing his axe releasing a strong wind that cuts all of the giant roots but just like earlier, as soon as he destroys them more emerges from the ground "oh come on!"

"Let's try attacking them together" i said as i look at Drago, he nodded "ICE STORM"


We both launches our attacks and destroyed a huge amount of those roots

"Haahh..hahh..did we did it?" Drago pants, the smoke slowly starts to disappear and as it begins to fade away, a silhouette of a person begins to appear

"Who's that?.." i squint my eyes trying to get a better look of the person, suddenly the eyes glows and something was shooted towards me "shit!"

"Zack watch out!" Khai pushes me away and that thing hits him instead but before it could hit him the thing exploded and releases a thick green smoke "bleugh!! what the fuck is these?!" Khai coughs while trying to get rid of the smoke

"Don't breathe it! It could be poison!" Tyler said, he spins his axe, making a strong wind that blows away all the smokes away, as soon as the smokes disappeared the person also disappeared

"You alright Khai?" I ask while holding him for support, he let out another cough and then nodded

"Yeah i'm fine, don't worry" he said with a smile "besides we have other things to worry about" we all looked around and realize that everything have disappeared, even all the vines have disappeared without a trace. "Where did they go?"

"I don't know but we have a class in a few more minutes!" Chris said

"Shit! Gotta move fast!" Tyler said and well starts running.

Khai's POV

"Hey wait for me!" I said trying to catch up with them

"Hahahah.." I suddenly stopped on my track and looks around

"Who's there?!" I look around but there was no one "did you guys hear that?"

"Hear what?" Zack asked and the others looks at me, i try looking around again but there was still nothing

"Are you alright?" Drago ask while rising his brow

"It's nothing, let's just go back to class" i said as i walk pass them

Tyler's POV

"Alright that's all for today, don't forget to do the assignment on page 69" the professor said as he closes his book and jumps out of the window

"Aaahhh finally it's done!" I said while stretching my body "time to see my sweet Zacky again~" I chuckled "oi Khai! You coming?"

"Yeah sure" he stood up from his seat "let's g- aaghh!" He suddenly groans in pain while holding his head

"Dude are you alright?!" I ask while holding him

"Y-yeah i'm fine..." he said while groaning a bit

"Are you sure? I can bring you to the infirmary if you want?"

"No no i'm fine, it's just a small headache, let's go meet the others already" he said with a smile as he walks away, i looked at him with concern but i just let out a sigh and followed him. Not long after that we finally met with the others, we all decided to grab lunch together at the cafeteria.

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