🍂 second encounters

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"Dead Poets Society?"

Sephia connected her brows to the unfamiliar term Valenda just invited her into.

"Your friend invited us to... Dead Poets Society? What is that supposed to mean, I'm not dead yet???"

Valenda rolled her eyes and smacked Sephia's forehead because she was being silly, again.

"Don't take everything literally, Seph," replied her, chuckling. "Yeah... After having to switch my roles, Neil invited me to his club, named Dead Poets Society."

Sephia hadn't have a grip on what is Valenda talking about right now. If that was a school club, Sephia felt like she supposed to know about it. But she had no clue.

"It was basically just his group of friends. And I asked him if I could invite three of my friends and he said I could. The more the merrier."

Sephia raised her hand to stop Valenda from talking.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. His group of friends? That means, that Charlie guy is there too, no?"

Valenda paused for a moment, hesitating.

"Well... Uhm.. I guess?"

"Then I'm not coming."

"OH COME ON!" protested Valenda. She saw this coming actually. Sephia had always despises him ever since she caught him making out with her roommate the other day, even though she actually barely knew him.

"You barely know him, Seph. What if he is better than you thought? And besides, you can just ignore him!" 

Sephia pursed her lips tight, unsure of what to think. 

"Have you asked Kathleen and Bethany about this...?" 

Valenda nodded.

"And they agreed...?" continued Sephia, a bit of doubt in her voice. But deep down, she knew those two would definitely say yes.

Valenda nodded once again. "Yeah. They already knew someone from there, anyway."

Sephia groaned in defeat. From the start, she knew that she eventually have to agree. 

"Okay," said her with a loud sigh. Valenda shrieked and hugged her in excitement.


"Just how long do we have to walk!?" Bethany complained while keeping her arms tight to herself. 

It was 9 PM and twas totally freezing out there in the forest which surrounded the school. Those four―Valenda, Sephia, Kathleen and Bethany, were walking side to side close to each other to share heat in such low temperature. Holding a flashlight in her hand, Valenda sighed in annoyance.

"Oh, come on, don't be such a baby! Its right across the stream." 

"Val, its freezing," Kathleen tightened her hold to herself, trembling a bit. 

"Oh, I hear voices..." said Sephia, taking a few steps forward in order to enhance her hearing. And yeah, voices of boys could be heard pretty clearly. They were laughing and yelling.

The four fastened their pace because they couldn't take the cold anymore, they just wanted to arrive in the cave as soon as possible.

Few steps before the cave, a familiar figure was waiting outside with a flashlight in hand. Valenda's eyes lit up as she called out to him.


The figure directed the light to them, eventually revealing a tall boy with high cheeckbones who Valenda called as Neil before. His smile shone through the darkness.

"Oh there you guys are! We are waiting for you! Come in!"

The girls took careful steps into the cave, greeted one by one by all of the boys in such merry tension. The last one to step in to the cave was Sephia, as she was nervous and doubting herself massively. 

She held her breath as she took a step inside, greeted and cheered by her friends and the rest of the boys. She was feeling relieved and almost grew a smile when suddenly her gaze met an unfortunately familiar gaze, Charlie's.

His eyes was serious with a hint of mischiev, his eyebrows hung low as usual, a slight smirk plastered on his facial features. And he wasn't cheering like the others. 

It sent shivers down her spines. 

She placed herself right between Bethany and Neil, swifting awkwardly to settle in. 

"Now that everyone is here!" Neil clasped his hands together, excitement could be seen clearly in his dark brown orbs. "May we introduce ourselves? I will start. My name is Neil Perry."

And then they went along and introduced theirselves, one by one. It all goes smoothly and everyone greeted each other warmly. It was almost like they knew each other for a long time, for as a matter of a fact, it was their first time meeting each other, except for some people.

It came down to the last person to introduce herself, Sephia. She smiled as she could feel many eyes directed towards her, trying her hard to avoid one certain stare. Charlie's, of course. She tried to make an eyecontact with everyone except Charlie before began speaking.

"Its Sephia Barron. Just call me Sephia or Seph. Pleasure to meet you all."

And by that, everyone was instantly throwing greetings and cheers and claps, until Charlie decided to spoke.

"Oh, so your name is Sephia? Good, I didn't get to know your name from last time," said him with a sly smirk on his face.

Everyone gone wild hearing his statement, and Sephia just wanted to punch him in the face.



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