🍂 unexpected encounter

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Sephia was the social butterfly; the favorite amongst girls. Every girl in the school know her, for she is so humble and cheerful.

Almost every girls' dorm room has been visited by her. And it was what made it hard to search for her at times. She could be anywhere!

She was a very chatty person, so it could take hours and hours for her to even get over one accidental encounter. She always know what to talk about.

And just like any other night, she spent this friday night chatting in one of her friend's room, Kathleen's.

"Did Val tell you? About trying out for Juliet?"

Sephia turned her attention from polishing her nails to Kathleen, and nodded enthusiastically.

"Yes! And I can't wait to hear how it turned out. She is great at acting," replied Sephia with a dreamy voice. She had seen Valenda acted before. And she thought she is brilliant.

"Me too!"

And they just continued chatting along.

Its 9:02 when Prof. Hager decided that it was the time for everyone to get back to their own dormroom. With a sigh, Sephia got up from Kathleen's bed and wave goodbye as she proceed her leaving.

Sephia was humming timid song while greeting everyone on the way to her room, lightly chatting to her friend which room is across hers while opening her dorm room door. 

She wasnt paying attention because of all the small talks, and what she saw before her when she turned her heels to her room shocked the hell out of her.

Her roommate, cornered in the bed; with a man...

Sephia could almost immediately picture out what was happening, before she hurriedly turned back and close the door with a loud bam.

She stayed there, leaning on her dorm room. Heavy breathing as she still trying to cope up what she had just witnessed. She moved several inches to lean on the wall, her mind still repeating the same image again and again.

Its prohibited for girls to visit boys' dormitory and vice versa. Though, it isnt so surprising to see a few boys here once in a while. They are all hormonal teenagers after all.

But what shocked Sephia the most is... the guy. The guy he just saw with her roommate... was the guy she often seen here. She even met him once when she was in her another friend's room, he just casually walked in and started flirting with her friend.

She just couldn't believe, out of all girls here, her roommate just so happened to be the one to fall for his trap, too!

While still troubled trying to erase the image off her head, the door cracked open... and it revealed 'the guy'.

Sephia fell silent, and she just slowly turned her head to the leaning lad, brows furrowed. The lad, the chestnut haired guy, also staring at her. Eyebrows hung low and a slight smirk plastered on his facial features.

Sephia didn't have the slightest intention to talk to the boy. But he offered his hand,

"Dalton, Charlie."



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