🍂 of library and that shy mess

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The library probably was one of the most visited place in the whole school. Not because the students were all stuck up asses and nerdy, but because the library, was one of the few facilities which may be used together; girls and boys. Now that was why the library was always packed with people.

Other than library, there are mess room which used for eating times only, and the chapel. But who the hell hang out on the chapel, right? Especially if your motivation is to flirt around, of course the chapel is not an option.

Those three was the only indoor facilities which may be used together. But the whole school ground was free to use, of course before 7 PM.

Kathleen, was another social butterfly. Different from Sephia who was so popular amongst girls but didn't really stood out amongst the boys, Kathleen was popular amongst both. She was universally friendly, and she spent a loooots of time on the library. In addition to the chances of socializing, she was also very interested in science. That was why.

This was one particular evening when the library was somehow not as crowded. Kathleen swung her legs between the tall shelves, her eyes peered through the back of the books briefly, barely watching where she was going.

She went to the library with one of her closest friend, Bethany. Bethany was not really into books, but she still enjoyed the library because there, she could just sleep in the corner and no one would disturb her. Well, Bethany kind of did not have the nicest roommate, that was why.

So while Bethany was having the sleep of her life, Kathleen searched for books to cope up with the time. She usually just ran to the science section, but this time, somehow she wanted to try another sections as well to see if there will be any book that caught her interest.

She was humming the school's anthem with light steps when something---not a book, caught her interest. It was a boy. A boy with fluffy hair which looked like a blushing mess to her. That boy was chaoticly swinging her arms and stuttering words to a girl who looked confused.

Kathleen chuckled, she bet the girl was asking for direction or something. She took some steps closer and patted the boy in the shoulder. Both of the boy and the girl turned attention to her.

"I see this boy over here is in chaos, so may I help you?" asked her to the girl. The girl paused for a moment and then shrugged.

"Well, I'm searching for someone, actually. Charlie. And I know Anderson is his friend so I asked him."

Kathleen nodded her head before turned her gaze to the boy whose name is Anderson.

"Where is this Charlie guy?" whispered her.

The stuttering boy paused before whispering back, "In the girls dormitory."

Kathleen raised an eyebrow. Was he being serious? But from the look of this Anderson boy, he sure was not kidding. So Kathleen cleared her throat before turning to the girl.

"Well, he is in the girls dormitory for God-knows-what reason."

The girl growled and then stormed off after saying thank you, leaving Kathleen with the blushing mess boy.

"So, tell me," said Kathleen, leaning slightly to the shelf chuckling. "Were you embarassed because you can't talk to a girl, or because the answer to her question might be a little inappropriate?"

The boy, looking down, sighed.

"The latter," he admitted with a squeak, "I mean he is my friend... And I know she likes him very much. And I just don't know how to put the answer into appropriate words..." He explained, almost mumbling but Kathleen listened nonetheless.

"I see. So you can't be straightforward like me." 

The boy nodded, still avoiding eye contact. Somehow, Kathleen could see the bravery in his eyes, especially when he talked about his friend. But its just that perhaps the boy tend to underestimate himself, that was why.

"But I think, its nothing bad. You are toughtful and considerate. That's good," said Kathleen, smiled. 

The boy's eyes finally met hers, and she knew he was not that shy. It was just he was afraid his words would hurt the girl's feelings if he is being straightforward. And Kathleen thought it was so nice of him.

"Thank you, anyway," said the boy. "For helping me out when I... When I couldn't even think of a word earlier."

Kathleen chuckled, trying hard to resist the urge to ruffle the boy's puffy hair. They just met, it wouldn't be appropriate.

"Don't mention it, it's okay. I'm Kathleen, by the way," she offered her hands. "Kathleen Brenton."

He paused and just stared at the offered hand for a moment, before taking it eventually.

"Todd Anderson. Pleasure to meet you."


I'm being productive.

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