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Ash falls from the sky like snow. The smell of the bodies burning is the worst thing I've ever smelled. There's nothing like it. 

I walk beside Tyrion as we walk through the destroyed city. There are skeletons left of how the people died. We stop when we get to two skeletons in the middle of a road. It looks like a mother holding her child.

"We'll find you later," Tyrion says to Jon. He gives me a look meaning that he wants me to follow.

We walk into the destroyed Red Keep.

"Tyrion, what are we doing here?" I ask.

But he doesn't answer causing me to get more worried. 

He grabs a torch and we walk into the dungeons. The completely covered by rocks. There's a tiny opening at the top. Tyrion and I are both able to fit through. 

Tyrion walks to a pile of bricks. I watch him as bends down to remove brick to reveal my mothers and Jaimes bodies. 

I feel my heart drop. It feels like all the air got knocked out of me. I fall to my knees and I start sobbing. I shake my head no. The only word I can manage to get out is "No,"

Tyrion kneels in front of me. 

"I'm sorry I-" but I cut him off by hugging him. I cry into his shoulder. After a few moments like this, he pulls away first, "Look, Scarlett, I let Jaime go. Daenerys knows that so she's going to-"

"No, Tyrion, she's going to kill you. I'm not going to lose you too. Let's just...lets leave, go to Storms End or something."

"And I'm not losing you either. She'll find us and we're both dead. For now, she'll put me in a cell. But I need you to pretend that you are on her side. That you are still with her."

"Tyrion, I-"

"No. You're not fighting this.  I need you to survive."

Tyrion and I walk up behind Daenerys as she is giving a speech to the Unsullied and Dothraki below us. When she is done Tyrion walks up next to her. I stay behind standing next to Jon.

Tyrion takes off his hand pin and throws it down the stairs. 

"Take him," Daenerys says in Valaryian. Two Unsullied and Grey Worm escort him to a cell.

Daenerys also walks away and I know I have to follow no matter how much I don't want to know. 


I run to the throne room after hearing Drogon roaring. 

When I run in all I see is Drogon flying away and Jon. I look down at the bloodstain on the ground knowing exactly what Jon just did. The Iron Throne is completely gone.

"You need to get out of here. If Grey Worm finds out what you did your dead," I tell him but before Jon can say anything back Grey Worm walks into the room. 

He also figures out what happened by seeing the bloodstain. He pulls out his dagger and walks up to Jon. 

I go to stand in front of Jon causing Grey Worm to stop walking, "Get out of my way Scarlett."

"If you kill Jon Snow you're starting a whole other rebellion...I'll sends a raven to ever noble house. We will get one representative and we'll all meet in a dragon pit. We can discuss what to do with our prisoners. Just please don't kill him." Grey Worm reluctantly agrees. 


The day has come that we all met in the Dragon Pit. I will be guarding and Gendry is here to represent House Baratheon. Everyone is slowly arriving.

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