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Pod and I are walking through the garden when I hear some rustling in the trees. I stop walking.

"What's wrong?"

I look around as I slowly pull out a knife that I hid in my boot. 

"Scarlett, what's wrong?"

I turn around to see someone standing behind him about to cut his throat. I swipe Pods legs causing him to fall to the ground and then I stab the man in the throat. He falls to the ground choking on his blood as he dies.

I help Pod up, "You wanna tell me why someone just tried to kill you?"

"He asked me to testify against Tyrion in the trail. He told me I would be Ser Podrick Payne if I did it."

"I need you to go back to my room."


"Because I need you to hide in plain sight while I figure this out."


The guards open the door to Tyrion's cell. He smiles when he sees me.

"I brought you some wine," I hand him flask filled with wine.

"They didn't try to take it away?"

"Well I mean they tried but it didn't go so well."

I sit down across from him.

"Pod is going to come to visit you later today but I needed to talk to you beforehand."


"Someone-someone tried to kill him today," I say quietly, "He's not safe here anymore."

"Scarlett he needs to get out of Kings Landing."

"I know. Can't I just go with him?"

"You can't."

"Why not?"

"Because your mother won't let you. You know she doesn't want you two together. If you go with him she will send people to get you back and to kill Pod. You are putting him in more danger if you go with him."

I feel a tear stream down my face, "I hate that you're always right."


I open the door to my mother's chambers, "Leave us," she says to her handmaidens. 

"Why?" I ask, "Why try to kill him?"

"He's not good enough for you Scarlett."

I scoff, "He loves me, isn't that all that matters? Why can't you just let me be happy?"

"I do let you be happy."

"No, you don't. You killed my father. You made my best friends stay her miserable. You tried to kill the man I love. And know you are putting Tyrion up for a trial for a crime he didn't commit. You've tried to take away everything that makes me happy away from me! And I hate you for it."

"That is no way to speak to your mother!"

"Mother?! You've never acted like my mother. You didn't raise me...Tyrion Lannister raised me."


Pod comes back from visiting Tyrion. I'm sitting on my bed.

"Scarlett have you been crying?" he asks.

"You're no longer safe here in Kings Landing," I can't even look up at him," Tyrion arranged something with Jaime. You are going to squire for Brienne of Tarth while she goes to fulfill her oath to Catelyn Stark."

"You're not coming with me?"

"I can't I'll only put you in more danger," my voice cracks a little.

"I'm not leaving without you."

I finally look up at him, "Yes you are. If my mother finds out that we ran away together she will kill you and you are not dying for me."


"Please don't make this harder then it has to be."

He sits down on the bed in front of me.

"Listen to me," he lifts chin with his hand so we make eye contact, "We will see each other again. Everything will be okay."

"You say that, but it never is."

He kisses me. A deep, sweet passionate kiss.

I wake up in the morning laying on his chest with he runs his fingers through my hair.

"Mornin' love," he kisses the top of my head.

"Morning," I say quietly.

I sit up and I take the ribbon out of my hair. I grab his hand making him hold it.

"I want you to keep this. Think of it as something to remember me."

He sits up now.

"Scarlett I've never seen this not in your hair. You love it. Tyrion gave this to you on your first birthday."

I hold his check and I kiss him, "I love you."

"I love you more."

"Not possible."

He kisses me again.

Jaime opens the door, "It's time to go Podrick."

We both get out of bed. I start to cry and I notice his eyes getting a little glossy.

"Don't cry," he sees wiping away my tears with his thumb, "This isn't goodbye forever."

I wrap my arms around his neck in a tight hug and his arms go around my waist. After a few moments we let go and he walks over to Jaime who's waiting by the door.

"Goodbye, my lady."

"Goodbye Podrick." he walks out the door closing it behind him.

I fall to the ground no longer able to hold back my tears.

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